Belief in yourself and that you have made the right home moving decisions will get you through your Christmas home move

Moving home at Christmas.

Two potentially joyous, but inevitably stressful events happening simultaneously.

There are two sides to every Christmas chocolate coin, so you are likely to experience doubts and anxieties – have I got enough, should I have…., what if, do I have enough time to…….  and on the flip side, it is a time of great happiness, an opportunity to count our blessings, and to embrace all the changes before us.

The emotional stress, and distress, of moving home, especially in the emotionally charged festive period, can have a real impact on your mental health.

Our mind is an incredibly constructive and destructive tool, it can literally make or break us.

The negative impact on your mental health can far outweigh the physical hardships when moving home, those physical hardships can easily be overcome by hiring a good removal company.

Stress, anxiety, a sense of loss, or even guilt, as well as the multitude of other emotions you can experience moving home, are not so easy to overcome.

So, this Christmas we want to help you cope with the psychological side of moving home and the Polar Express is going to help us.

You may also like to read: How to Cope With Emotional Overload When Moving Home. Moving home can be a huge mix of emotions and it is easy to become overwhelmed by them. In this guide, we look at how to manage your emotions during a home move.

As we head into the Christmas season, as many people do, I started to watch my old favourite Christmas movies.

One of my favourite Christmas films is The Polar Express, and as I watched it, it dawned on me how the characters could teach us ways to cope with the emotional rollercoaster of moving home, how our emotional state determines whether we embrace life and its ups and downs, or we stay on the station platform and let life pass us by.

There’s an amazing wonderland of life out there, so all aboard as we ride The Polar Express, in our guide to managing our mental health when moving home at Christmas.

“I suggest we all hold on…..TIGHTLY!!”

All the Magic Happens When You Get on the Train

You cannot get where you’re going until you get on your own Polar Express

The home moving journey is often derailed before it is even out of the station.

It is easy to justify our reasons for not wanting to move home, it is easy to just stay where we are and cruise through life.

After all, life is expensive and stressful enough without having to throw a house move, and perhaps a complete change of lifestyle into the mix.

Many people are perfectly happy to stay in the cocoon they have created for themselves, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Then there are those that have to move for a job or for family reasons.

Whilst some people want to move home for a new beginning, to experience new places or new cultures, but something continually holds them back.

The Hobo who represents fear and self-doubt

In The Polar Express, the Hobo is a cynical non-believer in the magic of Christmas, he represents the fear and self-doubt that some people experience when having to believe in themselves.

Many people lack the self-confidence to make the home move happen, to get on the train of life.

But as The Conductor says “The one thing about trains is, it doesn’t matter where they are going, what matters is deciding to get on”.

You may also like to read: What is the Fear of Moving and How to Overcome it. It is often the fear of change and the unknown that stops us from making life-changing decisions like moving home. In this guide, we look at practical ways to overcome those fears.

Hero Boy represents our reluctance to embrace life

Anyone who has seen the film knows that Hero Boy is very doubtful about the existence of Santa and has lost the magic of Christmas.

So when The Polar Express pulls up outside his bedroom window he is reluctant to jump aboard and head to the North Pole to meet Santa.

The world is full of heroes who will help you along the way

Billy represents our lack of faith in ourselves

However, as the journey to the North Pole unfolds he sees amazing sights, has a fantastic adventure, and meets some great new friends.

One of those friends he meets on the train is Billy.

Billy lives in the same town as Hero Boy but from a less affluent part. Billy is a loner, afraid of what others think of him and his family, he is afraid that he doesn’t fit in so shies away from making friends.

Billy too has lost his faith in the magic of Christmas, mainly because his parents don’t have the money to buy him Christmas gifts.

“Christmas just never works out for me. Never has”

So when the Polar Express stops outside his house he is very reluctant to get on. It is only as the train pulls away that he makes the decision to board and runs after the train.

Hero Boy pulls the emergency brake to allow Billy to get on the train.

Many of us can relate to Billy. We somehow don’t feel good enough or worthy of getting on board our own Polar Express.

We are scared of the unknown, of failure, of making the wrong choices.

But unless you get on the train you will never know, there are Hero Boys and Girls all over the world who will help you, and it may just turn out that you are somebody else’s Hero Boy or Girl.

Don’t wait for your train to depart, life is short, and despite all the doom and gloom we are constantly bombarded with, it is a magical world out there.

You just need to believe that you can make it happen, believe in your abilities, and jump aboard your own personal Polar Express.

You may also like to read: Moving to a New City Alone? Yes, You Can! From planning to move by yourself to a new city, to how to prepare for your move, to settling into your new home city, this guide is an invaluable read for those moving to a new city on their own.

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There’s no Greater Gift Than Friendship

We all need a little help now and then

Even once you have decided to move home, as moving day fast approaches you will inevitably have doubts and concerns. This is perfectly normal.

Hero Girl makes things happen, she believes in herself

Hero Girl is a total believer in the magic of Christmas, she is confident and has a positive mental attitude. That is exactly what you need during your home move.

A positive mental attitude and focusing on all the positive aspects of moving home will help tremendously.

“Are you sure? – Absolutely!”

Ensuring that you get organised, eat well, get plenty of rest, take breaks, and get plenty of fresh air will do wonders for reducing your stress levels and will promote a positive state of mind during your home move.

Being organised, and using a home moving binder and checklists will ensure that you are in total control of your home move.

If you can control your environment, and the events around you, you are in a better position to manage your stress levels and thought processes.

And as Santa says in The Polar Express “There is no greater gift than friendship” so if you are lucky enough to have good friends around you and they offer help, take it.

You may also like to read: 22 Useful Ways to Help a Friend Move Home. There are many ways friends can help make your home move so much less stressful, and they don’t have to lift a single box or piece of furniture either. Here we suggest 22 ways in which your friends can help you move home.

In The Polar Express, many events happen where the train is delayed or even potentially derailed: going down Glacier Gulch the cotter pin breaks but the driver’s mate replaces the cotter with a hairpin, they encounter a herd of thousands of Caribou on the tracks, the railroad dips under the ice, and the carriage is detached as they reach the North Pole.

But with ingenuity, good planning, and a can-do attitude The Polar Express reaches the North Pole before midnight.

Yes, there are things that can go wrong with any home move, but rarely are they show-stoppers. They can be inconvenient and irritating, but with good planning, a good removal team, and a positive mindset you will overcome any problems you face.

The Wonder of Life Never Fades if You Believe

Wherever in the world you are moving to you can take the wonder of life and Christmas with you

Any concerns you have about moving home, or your new life, will not magically disappear on moving day.

It will take time to settle into your new place, to make it feel like your home.

Even if you are moving home for the first time and are missing your old room or your family, remember:

“Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can’t see”

Your memories are within you, you have the life skills your parents gave you, and you have the support of friends, these things are all important to help you cope with the insecurities you may feel over the next few weeks.

Surround yourself with familiar things, immerse yourself in the local community, and be confident in your choices.

Take time to explore your new neighborhood, discover all the positive things, the wonderful places to visit, and the places that you will soon be calling your special place.

And always focus on the positives of why you moved home.

You may also like to read: The Bright Side of Moving Home. In this guide. we look at all the great reasons to move home and how they can have a positive impact on your life.

Plenty of rest helps develop a relaxed and peaceful mind

The benefits of moving home on your mental health are many including enabling you to have a fresh start, it allows you to develop new social skills, exposing you to new cultures and experiences and can be the push you need to start a new hobby or interest.

All these things will stimulate you and help you to grow as a person. There are so many positives to moving home.

You might like to read: The Health Benefits of Moving Home. Moving home can benefit both your physical and mental health. In this guide, we find out what those benefits are and what the experts say.

The Conductor believes you are never too old or young to believe in the magic of life

You can be like the Conductor on The Polar Express, he was a total believer in the magic of Christmas, and you can be a total believer in the magic of life.

You should believe in yourself and believe that this was the best decision you made to move home.

There will always be ups and downs throughout life, your Polar Express will hurtle up and down those mountains, but never lose the wonder nor the thankfulness for each little thing that makes your new life so wonderful.

You are never too young or too old to start a new adventure, you just need to board that train.

“Though I’ve grown old, the bell still rings for me, as it does for all who truly believe.”

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from us all here at Removal Reviews.

If you enjoyed reading this year’s guide to moving home at Christmas be sure to read our previous year’s festive offerings:

How to Move Home at Christmas: The Fun and Easy Way. Meet all your favourite Christmas film characters as they become your removal team.

Is Moving Home Around Christmas Crackers? Lots of practical home moving advice, with a Christmas twist of course.

How to Move Home: The 12 Days of Christmas. Discover 12 essential home moving tips to make your home move cheaper and easier this Christmas.

Frugal Ways to Spend Your First Christmas in Your New Home. From money-saving moving tips to great ideas for having a cheap but fun Christmas, Christmas traditions from around the UK and the world, as well as a Christmas trivia quiz, a fun but interesting guide to a cheaper Christmas.

Moving Home at Christmas is a Dickens of a Job. Discover the true meaning behind the immortal tale A Christmas Carol.

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