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PM Property Lawyers

“Brilliant work from start to finish! Very professional and we would gladly use PM Property Lawyers again.” - Mr. Foster

That’s what one of our happy clients has to say about us. You might also want to know that:

  • We will not charge you any legal fees if your transaction falls through – no completion, no fee.
  • The figure on your quote is for our complete service; there are no hidden extras. If something turns up during your transaction that means an unavoidable additional cost, we will always let you know in advance.
  • When you work with us, you'll have your own designated property lawyer who, along with a small team, will handle your transaction. You’ll have a direct dial phone number so there will always be someone you can talk to who knows about your case. 
  • We're Law Society CQS approved – that's the Conveyancing Quality Scheme. So, you can trust us to have a high level of skill, experience and practice. 
  • We're based in Sheffield but we're a national firm and can help you with conveyancing anywhere in England and Wales. We'll communicate with you by phone, email or post so you'll still get the best service wherever you are in the country. 

If you have any questions about buying, selling or remortgaging just get in touch and we’ll be happy to talk it through.

Customer Reviews

PM Property Lawyers

Average service quality  

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3.8 out of 5.0 based on 83 reviews

Service quality

Value for money


Great company keep you up to date every step of the way

Service quality

Value for money


Must admit the contact by telephone was non-existent. However, I had response by email always within a couple of hours. They did everything as requested and on completion the final fee was less than quoted. Very happy with the service overall.

Service quality

Value for money


Feel like they've been pretty good: reasonably quick to assign a conveyancing solicitor, and communicative

Service quality

Value for money


They are friendly and once you give them a nudge they will answer all your questions. I think they re better at talking on the phone than over emails so if you have questions,just call them.

Service quality

Value for money


I found PM Property Lawyers to be disorganised and initially I was passed from pillar to post, receiving initial phone calls and emails from various people, I didn't have a clue what was happening. Once assigned to a particular solicitor and assistant I thought proceedings would improve. However my solicitor relied heavily on his poor assistant that I felt carried him. He was hardly ever available to speak to, either not in the office or not at his desk. He didn't seem to know about important facts through my whole selling and buying process and he made mistakes and contradicted himself which I felt was highly unprofessional and unacceptable. I brought these mistakes to his attention but he talked over me or down to me and refused to accept responsibility for his errors. He was completely unaware I was in a chain! I had to inform his assistant about this as she didn't realise either. I had late evening calls from him asking that I transfer monies as soon as possible or I would be holding up the sale. When in actual fact I had already paid the completion fee, but the solicitor was completely unaware! The final straw was the moving day, waiting for contracts to be exchanged, I had to actually call the solicitors office myself and was only able to talk to the assistant, to inform them I have the keys in my pocession. The assistant told me she had not yet heard that contracts had been exchanged and said a call would probably be imminent to her office. I never received a call back to confirm contracts had been exchanged. Such poor practice. I was told by the selling agent who I had my property on the market with that PM Property Lawyers had a terrible reputation and they had heard of so many negative comments from their clients, I took this with a pinch of salt, however on reflection I wish I had listened and used a different solicitors. Stay clear of PM Property Lawyers.

We would like to address the points client raises as follows: Initially passed from pillar to post: The initial quote was handled by our new business team, as with all quotes. Once the instruction was received it was passed to the admin team; again this is the normal procedure. Due to client being abroad for 3 months and some confusion as to whether his daughter was able to act on his behalf, there was a considerable amount of email correspondence in these early stages. This was handled by a single member of staff, except for one day when she was not in the office. Solicitor relied heavily on his assistant: As is outlined in the Client Care Pack at the start of the process, our property lawyers work with a small team who have full knowledge of all the ongoing transactions. It is quite usual that there will be more contact with the assistant than the property lawyer. This means that the property lawyer has more time to spend on the tasks that only they can do. In this case, the assistant is highly trained and is also a junior property lawyer herself so was fully competent to deal with any queries. Hardly ever available to speak to: From our records it’s clear that there was considerable contact between the property lawyer and client. There are notes of at least 7 phone calls between them on the system, as well as calls with the assistant. Didn’t seem to know about important facts: It’s unclear what this comment relates to. Made mistakes and contradicted himself, refused to accept responsibility for his errors: We accept that there was an error at the end of the purchase process when we incorrectly asked for the balance to complete when we in fact already had the funds. The client was notified immediately when we realised the error. Unaware there was a chain: We would normally rely on the other side’s solicitor to inform us if there is a chain. They did not do this but client's daughter did advise us of this on 08/09. No call to confirm contracts had been exchanged: We were unable to speak to client on the day of exchange so the assistant confirmed completion with his daughter. There was a delay in the early stages of the transaction when the property lawyer was unable to contact the client in person while he was abroad or unavailable. Once this was resolved, the transaction proceeded as normal and completed within average timescales.

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Service quality

Value for money


Professional service and not as expensive as all other quotes

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