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3.8 out of 5.0 based on 83 reviews

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PM Property Lawyers

“Brilliant work from start to finish! Very professional and we would gladly use PM Property Lawyers again.” - Mr. Foster

That’s what one of our happy clients has to say about us. You might also want to know that:

  • We will not charge you any legal fees if your transaction falls through – no completion, no fee.
  • The figure on your quote is for our complete service; there are no hidden extras. If something turns up during your transaction that means an unavoidable additional cost, we will always let you know in advance.
  • When you work with us, you'll have your own designated property lawyer who, along with a small team, will handle your transaction. You’ll have a direct dial phone number so there will always be someone you can talk to who knows about your case. 
  • We're Law Society CQS approved – that's the Conveyancing Quality Scheme. So, you can trust us to have a high level of skill, experience and practice. 
  • We're based in Sheffield but we're a national firm and can help you with conveyancing anywhere in England and Wales. We'll communicate with you by phone, email or post so you'll still get the best service wherever you are in the country. 

If you have any questions about buying, selling or remortgaging just get in touch and we’ll be happy to talk it through.

Customer Reviews

PM Property Lawyers

Average service quality  

Average value for money

3.8 out of 5.0 based on 83 reviews

Service quality

Value for money


Happy with the commication and help

Service quality

Value for money


They have been very efficient and very good at communicating what is going on.

Service quality

Value for money


Not flexible, too much workload, sometimes unresponsive, not good value for money. Wanted to charge £200+VAT to make process quicker.

Thank you for your comments, though we are of course sorry that you weren’t happy with the service you received. We have addressed your issues in our email correspondence. We wish you all the best for the future in your new home.

Service quality

Value for money


Was a bit slow and some of the staff didn’t seem to know what was happening kept loosing thing we had took in

Many thanks for your comments which we will pass on to the relevant teams - we are constantly seeking to improve our service. It’s good to know you felt you had excellent value for money.

Service quality

Value for money


laid back service, you have to chase chase chase

We’re sorry to hear you weren’t happy with the service you received. The average timescale for a freehold property transaction is 8 – 10 weeks from receipt of the contract pack (on a purchase). Legal work cannot commence until we have both the contract pack and satisfactory ID. Your purchase completed 7 weeks after we received the contract pack. When there are several parties involved in a transaction as with your sale and purchase, it is not always possible to get agreement on dates as swiftly as we all might wish and we worked hard to achieve this as quickly as possible. We wish you all the best in your new home.

Service quality

Value for money


No further comments

Service quality

Value for money


Highly unprofessional, I had to chase for responses to email enquiries and telephone enquiries on numerous occasions. Only receiving a response when I aired my dissatisfaction and the involvement of the Director. Missed the first completion date, and what was a stressful time as a first time buyer anyway was even more stressful as a result of the lack of professionalism shown- some staff members were very rude and made us feel 'stupid' when we did not understand certain requirements- I reiterate, we were first time buyers. I was advised lack of responses were due to them being incredibly busy as it was the end of the financial year - as a paying customer this was not my problem! Completed 3 months ago, and only just received title deeds, again after chasing for these by email/telephone on various occasions over the space of a 4 week period.

We are sorry to hear you weren’t happy with the service you received. We do take your comments seriously and will bring the issues you raise to our team to see what we can do to improve. Re the title deeds – as per our email correspondence with you, there has unfortunately been a backlog at the Land Registry which has led to delays in processing these documents. We did prioritise your case from our side as far as possible.

Service quality

Value for money


It got confusing that I was speaking to a different person about my case each time I called. I then understood that there was a team of administrators working under a lead conveyancing solicitor. There was a huge delay on signing the reservation agreement that my seller was insistent on having in place which meant she nearly dropped out. It has not been smooth sailing but I do feel that they are thorough and are asking the right questions and have my legal issues covered.

Service quality

Value for money


Happy with the service I have received mr kboota has kept me up to date on my purchase through email and telephone

Service quality

Value for money


Yes very slow, l would have rather paid extra to get some lawyers that wont soo laid back. Yes they give you a cheap quota but they dealing with soo many cases and always busy when you speak to them you rather pay the premium for the work to be completed faster. Expecting them to reply back via phone or email is a challenge . In hindsight l defi would have chosen a different lawyer firm.