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3.8 out of 5.0 based on 83 reviews

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PM Property Lawyers

“Brilliant work from start to finish! Very professional and we would gladly use PM Property Lawyers again.” - Mr. Foster

That’s what one of our happy clients has to say about us. You might also want to know that:

  • We will not charge you any legal fees if your transaction falls through – no completion, no fee.
  • The figure on your quote is for our complete service; there are no hidden extras. If something turns up during your transaction that means an unavoidable additional cost, we will always let you know in advance.
  • When you work with us, you'll have your own designated property lawyer who, along with a small team, will handle your transaction. You’ll have a direct dial phone number so there will always be someone you can talk to who knows about your case. 
  • We're Law Society CQS approved – that's the Conveyancing Quality Scheme. So, you can trust us to have a high level of skill, experience and practice. 
  • We're based in Sheffield but we're a national firm and can help you with conveyancing anywhere in England and Wales. We'll communicate with you by phone, email or post so you'll still get the best service wherever you are in the country. 

If you have any questions about buying, selling or remortgaging just get in touch and we’ll be happy to talk it through.

Customer Reviews

PM Property Lawyers

Average service quality  

Average value for money

3.8 out of 5.0 based on 83 reviews

Service quality

Value for money


Competitively priced with comprehensive survey checks, appear to have move in hand during Covid-19, app based systems a good feature

Service quality

Value for money


Lovely people and given the current global situation have remained effective and professional

Service quality

Value for money


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Service quality

Value for money


It would be iseful to hear form the solicitor with updates rather than having to do all the chasing

Many thanks for your comments. We will endeavour to keep you better updated.

Service quality

Value for money


It has been a while since using PM Law, but having just heard about a colleague's house sale almost falling thorough due to this company's lacklustre attitude, I thought it was about time to write my review. We were first-time buyers and, with no experience in this area, we put our faith into our conveyancing lawyer. You just trust them to do things right because that's their job. But what ought to have been a simple process (we didn't have a property to sell so was ready to move in and the seller's property was vacant) then became an arduous, lengthy and tedious process across four months. The estate agent rolled her eyes when she found out who was representing us and advised us to "keep chasing" PM Law, but we weren't prepared for the amount of effort we'd have to put in to actually just speak to somebody or get an answer to our emails. One of the most pressing matters was to make the completion date. We had negotiated a reduction in the property price from the seller on the condition we made the completion date. PM Law told us that it was achievable. At this stage, we asked if there was anything else we needed to do to complete the sale, other than sign and return the contract with the revised price and were told that would be all. Of course, just three days before completion, it emerged that we had not been sent a TR1 Land Registry form to sign. At no point was it mentioned we wouldn't be able to achieve our completion date. The signed TR1 form was personally delivered to PM Law the very next day, two days before completion. This was the first time we were informed that the completion date would not be possible and processes would take a further five working days. The following day, one day before completion, the Estate Agent called to say that the seller was putting the price back up as we were not able to complete on time. In a further call with PM Law it was confirmed it would take another 5 working days for the COT to be authorised. At this point it emerged that PM Law sent a letter to the seller's solicitors, on what ought to have been the completion date, referring to points raised on the Law Society Property Information Form which had been in our possession for two months without them acting upon it. So with the completion date missed, it ended up taking a further four weeks to get anything sorted, during which the seller told us that he was fed up with how long it was taking and would put the house back on the market. Therefore, we took it upon ourselves to get things moving. We were in regular contact with the Estate Agent and even the seller's solicitor (because the Estate Agent was telling us that the seller's solicitor was getting nothing from PM Law). It almost felt like we were doing the work we were paying PM Law to carry out! All of the above points were raised with PM Law. None of which were answered. After four long months and enough stress to last a lifetime, the process was complete and we have not since recommended PM Law to anyone. Having being through all of that, my advice would be to spend a little more and don't go with them because you might save a few quid - that's what we did. But this is one of those cases where you really do get what you pay for. Pay a bit extra and use someone who cares that you're making the biggest purchase of your life and knows how to handle it.

We’re sorry to hear of your experience – this does not reflect the high standard of service that the great majority of our clients receive. We appreciate that it was a stressful time for you – please accept our apologies if we contributed to this.

Service quality

Value for money


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Service quality

Value for money


Could be more contact between me? I kind of waiting for things to happen and always need to chase them up

Thanks for your comments. We will do our best to keep you up to date.

Service quality

Value for money


Worse company ever. Cheapest option doesn't always pay off. Poor communication and abysmal customer service

We're sorry you haven't been happy with the service you have received. A senior solicitor has conduct of your file and we are working to progress this as quickly as possible.

Service quality

Value for money


Awful! No communication what so ever , i have had to do all the chasing, no replies to emails only ever know whats happening if i ring (when someone answers the phone)

Apologies if communication has not met your expectations. Your property lawyer has been in touch to update you and we will do all we can to keep you informed as your transaction progresses.

Service quality

Value for money


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