We have created this plugin to make it easy for moving companies or our affiliates to generate quality moving leads and to provide the best conversion rate possible. The plugin is actively maintained.

How does the plugin work

Visitors visit a website where they see the form that is generated by this plugin. If a visitor is about to move, he or she will enter their move details and contact information and will submit the form. Based on the move information there are two most common scenarios:

  1. The user’s lead will be sent to the MoveAdvisor Portal and is sent to moving companies that will contact the user with more information regarding their move. The user will see a “Thank You” message that the lead is submitted and that he or she should expect a quote soon.
  2. For some US, Canadian and UK leads, the MyMovingLoads system may decide to call the user directly and connect the user with the moving company operator in real time. In those cases instead of a “Thank You” page, users will see “Wait, we are calling you now” page. Then the MoveAdvisor bot with Artificial Intelligence will call the user and will connect the user with a moving expert over the phone. The call is also considered a lead. Please note that this feature is still in beta.

Installing the MoveAdvisor Moving Lead Form Plugin

Here is a quick guide on how to install the plugin to your WordPress site. There are currently two ways to install the plugin, read about them below.

Automatic install:

  1. Login as administrator to your WordPress site.
  2. From the WordPress Dashboard, see the left menu and click on “Plugins” > “Add New”.
  3. In the search box, search for MoveAdvisor
  4. When you find the plugin in the search results, install it from there directly. Follow the on-screen instructions.
  5. Here is a link to the WordPress plugin in the WordPress plugin directory.

Manual install:

  1. Download the latest plugin zip file from here by clicking the “Download” button.
  2. Login as administrator to your WordPress site.
  3. From the WordPress Dashboard, see the left menu and click on “Plugins” > “Add New”.
  4. Select the zip file that you have previously downloaded.
  5. When the plugin installs itself click on Activate Plugin.
  6. You should now see a new button in the left sidebar of your WordPress Dashboard called Moving Leads.

Please note: When the plugin is deleted, all options set in the WordPress MoveAdvisor Form Admin panel are deleted, as well as the IP detection database. If you install the plugin again, the IP detection database installs again and options need to be set again. We have designed the plugin to keep your WordPress installation clean from unnecessary code and to be as lightweight as possible.

Setting up the plugin

In order for the MoveAdvisor Moving Form Plugin to submit leads, you need a valid API key provided by MoveAdvisor.com. You can apply from here. The API key is free for affiliate partners, but you need to register to be approved. The API key will be issued to you or to your organization only. You should not share your API key with third parties. Based on the API key, your moving leads will be attributed to your account.

Inserting a form into a page or post

It is very easy to insert a new form to a page or a post within your WordPress site.

Show automatic form type based on location detection (recommended)

To have the form automatically show the right version of the form (US, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, German or International) based on the user’s location, just add this shortcode where you want it to appear:


Show a specific type of form without location detection

In rare cases, you might want to show a specific type of form without taking into account the user’s location, you can use the following shortcodes:

US version of the form:

[mml_leadform country="us"]

This form is for users that are moving within The US. The form is in Imperial units and is tailored to the default preferences of the US users. Users will be able to switch to international form if they are moving out of the USA.

UK version of the form:

[mml_leadform country="uk"]

This form is for users that are moving within The UK. The form is in Metric units and is tailored to the default preferences of the users in The United Kingdom. Users will be able to which to international form if they are moving out of the UK.

Canadian version of the form:

[mml_leadform country="ca"]

This form is for users that are moving within Canada. The form is in Metric units and is tailored to the default preferences of the Canadian users. Users will be able to which to international form if they are moving out of Canada.

Australian version of the form:

[mml_leadform country="au"]

This form is for users that are moving within Australia. The form is in Metric units and is tailored to the default preferences of the Australia users. Users will be able to which to international form if they are moving out of Australia.

New Zealand version of the form:

[mml_leadform country="nz"]

This form is for users that are moving within New Zealand. The form is in Metric units and is tailored to the default preferences of the New Zealand users. Users will be able to which to international form if they are moving out of New Zealand.

German version of the form (in German language):

[mml_leadform country="de"]

This form is for users that are moving within Germany. The form is in Metric units and is tailored to the default preferences of the German users.

International version of the form:

[mml_leadform country="int"]

This form is for users that are moving between countries.

Here is some more information on how to use shortcodes in WordPress.

This plugin consists of several different forms that are dynamically served based on the user’s IP address. The form is responsive and is suitable for desktop and mobile pages. You can read more about it in the FAQs section below in this page.

Inserting a form into the sidebar

You may want to have a form appearing on every page of a WordPress site. Adding it to the sidebar as a widget will be the easiest option. Here is how to do it:

  1. Login as administrator to your WordPress site.
  2. From the WordPress Dashboard, see the left menu and click on “Appearance” > “Widgets”.
  3. There you will find the widget called “MoveAdvisor Lead Form”.
  4. Simply drag and drop it into your “Sidebar” section to the right for the form to appear in your sidebar.

Inserting the form into a template file (for advanced users)

To insert the form into a template file, use the following PHP in your file:


Note: Don’t forget to add the php surrounding tags <?php and ?> if pasting inside HTML.

Form design questions

How does the form look like responsively?

We have made the form responsive, so it look great on multiple devices in the main section of a page or post and in the sidebar. See a preview below how the form looks in different example contexts.

What do the forms look like?

Currently this form consists of many different forms, which are automatically displayed to the users based on their location. You do not need to select which form is displayed to who as the plugin does that automatically. You can see screenshots of the different forms above. You can also customize many of the design features of the form from the settings page of the plugin.

See the different success screens below:

The regular "Thank you" page

"Wait, we are calling you now” page

Can I change the title alignment?

Yes, in the admin page of the plugin in WordPress you will find a Title Alignment option. You can align it center, left or right.

Can I change the button text?

Yes. Go to the MoveAdvisor Form plugin page in your WordPress Dashboard. Under “Moving Leads” in section “Form Design”, you can enter any text. Please note that this field does not support HTML or PHP tags and their attributes. Save the changes and refresh the page with the form.

Can I add/change background color?

Yes, to activate a background color simply check the checkbox next to Background Color in the plugin’s admin page (General Settings tab). Next you will see color picker, which allows you to pick any color you wish. Click Save Changes to apply.

Can I change the default color scheme?

Yes. The plugin comes with 3 color options you can choose from. Each option changes the color of the outline of all input fields, the background of the autosuggest as well as the dynamic information displayed inside some input fields after values are entered (for example the notification “About x days left”).

Please note that the color of the button does not change when you select a different color scheme. This is because we want to help you maximize the conversion rate of your form and our data shows that the default color button is most effective.

How can I make a custom color scheme? (For advanced users)

The easiest way to do it is to apply the color changes in your CSS StyleSheet in your theme. You need to know how to edit the HTML and CSS of your WordPress theme.

How does the IP tracking happen?

Based on IP detection, the user is delivered the most appropriate moving lead form. This ensures a much higher conversion rate and more captured moving leads. To read more about how to insert a form into your WordPress site, please read the plugin documentation.

You can also show a specific type of form without location detection. To do that, you need to use one of the specific shortcodes shown earlier in this documentation.

The IP database is automatically installed when you install this plugin. The accuracy of the database is estimated to be 98%-99%. The database is maintained and updated and we will be updating it with the future plugin updates.

Are the moving lead forms responsive? Are they mobile friendly?

Yes. The forms are responsive and they display well on mobile devices based on the screen resolution. We advise that you always check the Desktop and the Mobile design of the pages where you place the moving form before you update the design of your WordPress site.

Moving Leads Questions

Where can I see the leads that the forms generate?

You can log into your account at Portal.MoveAdvisor.com to see all the leads that you have generated. Please login from here!

What is the payout for the leads?

The payout for every lead is different and is determined by or real-time bidding algorithm. Please contact your affiliate manager for more information.

How can I track the number of submitted moving leads?

You can track the submitted leads by:

  1. Having a Google Analytics tracking code on your site and having checked the “Track Form” checkbox in the plugin’s settings page.
  2. Logging into the MoveAdvisor portal with your account from here.

Please note that the numbers of the two tracking options may and will vary. This is because you will see only valid moving leads into your MoveAdvisor portal (all batches of duplicate leads as well as leads with errors will not be present into your MoveAdvisor account).

What does the “Track Form” functionality do?

If you have Google Analytics installed on your website it is easy to track how many people see and submit your moving leads forms. Not sure if you have Google Analytics installed on your website? You can easily check that by writing your website’s domain in this tool.

Having Google Analytics set up and the “Track Form” functionality activated, you will start receiving events in your Google Analytics account. All your events are visible in Behavior > Events > Overview.

The events are sent under a category called “MyMovingLoads Form”. This category has actions, which depend on the type of form sent. For US, Canada, UK and International forms the actions will be “us”, “ca”, “uk” and “int” respectively. The last piece of information of each event sent is the event label. For every form view and form submission, the labels are Successfully-Sent and Successfully-Viewed respectively.

For example, you will get the following events:

  • When a Canadian MoveAdvisor Lead Form is shown to a user’s screen the event will be MyMovingLoads Form > ca > Successfully-Sent
  • When an International form is submitted successfully to our system the event will be MyMovingLoads Form > int > Successfully-Viewed

Please note: Google Analytics may track duplicate leads, so there is a chance that the number of submissions indicated in Google Analytics is different from the amount of moving leads you see in the MoveAdvisor Portal.

MoveAdvisor API Key Questions:

Can I use the same MoveAdvisor API key on multiple WordPress sites?

Yes. Your API key is issued to you or your organization and you can use it with all the WordPress sites that you control.

Can I use the plugin without a MoveAdvisor API key?

No. The plugin works only with a valid API key. If you would like to see how the form looks without having it send leads to our system, use this key for testing purposes: demokey

I see “no API key” warning on top of the form. How to remove it?

The warning is visible only when logged into the WordPress dashboard as an Administrator. Regular visitors will not see this warning message. To remove the warning, please add a valid MoveAdvisor API key or uninstall the plugin.

How to get a MoveAdvisor API key?

If you don’t already have a MoveAdvisor API key, please fill in an application here. Once your application is approved, you will receive an account for the MoveAdvisor Portal as well as a valid API key. You then can login here into the MoveAdvisor Portal and monitor all received leads.

Do not display your MoveAdvisor API key publicly, since it is issued to you or to your organization only.

How much does the MoveAdvisor API key cost?

API keys are free for affiliate partners.

How can I test the form before I get an API key?

To see how the form looks and behaves on your site please do the following.

  1. Login to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Go to the MoveAdvisor Quote Form page.
  3. Find the API Key field and insert the word: demokey
  4. Click “Save changes”
  5. Go to the page/post where you have placed your form and refresh it, you should be able to see the form.

The form will not submit leads but you can test if it works and you can see how it looks on your page.

Google API Key Questions:

Do I need a Google API key for the form to work?

No, but you will not be able to take advantage of all the extras and functionalities of the form.

Why do I need a Google API key?

Google API key activates functionality that provides the following extra information for the user:

  • Displaying state and city names when ZIP or Postcode code is entered.
  • Displaying distance between pickup and delivery locations.
  • Showing type ahead for forms for some countries.

Your conversion rate will increase if you have a Google API key and the forms will be more interactive.

Does this Google API key affects form tracking?

No. It is only for displaying additional useful information to the user while filling up the form.

How can I get a Google API key?

The Google API key is free up to a certain amount of requests per month. Most of the users will be fine with the free Google API key. There are a few things you need to do if you want to take advantage of the Moving Form's additional features:

Getting a Google API key

You need a new API key dedicated for this plugin. To get the necessary API key, please go to the Google API Console (or follow this short guide).

Setting up the Google API key for certain Google Services

After you create the new Google API key, you need to enable certain Google services for this API key.

Once you are in the Google API Console, select “Library” from the left menu. From there you can search and enable each of the following Google services that are required for all extra functionalities to work properly:

  1. Places API – used to autocomplete locations’ names on some of the moving forms.
  2. Distance Matrix API – used to show the distance in kilometers or miles between pickup and delivery locations.
  3. Geocoding API – used to show the location’s name based on zip code/postcode.

Adding you key into the plugin

You now need to insert the new Google API key into the MoveAdvisor WordPress Plugin. Copy the Google API key from the “Credentials” tab from the Google API Console and paste it in your WordPress Admin in the Moving Leads settings page.

Now your forms should have some extras like: the form will display the distance between origin and destination locations; you will get type-ahead in the international forms for city names; and more.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

Does the form work with multiple WordPress sites?

Yes, but you should install and setup the plugin separately to every WordPress site.

Why does it take so long to install?

The first time (fresh) installation may take up to 20 seconds to download and activate the plugin. This is because the plugin comes with four different moving lead forms and an IP detection database. Please wait for the installation process to complete before closing the window. After installation, please do not forget to setup the plugin and to insert forms on your pages.

Is this plugin fast?

Yes. We believe that this plugin is very fast and will not affect the load time of your pages. We try to keep the code as clean as possible. The IP detection runs very fast because the IP database is distributed with the plugin.

If I deactivate the plugin, will I lose all my settings?

No. You will lose your settings only if you delete the plugin from the Plugins page.

What kind of technology is used within this plugin?

This plugin has many different types of technologies inbuilt in the finished product. There are a total of 4 different web forms into the plugin that are served dynamically to the user based on their location. We also use a modified version of bootstrap typeahead to display the city suggestions in USA and Canada. Some functionalities call the Google API and display information through JavaScript. Most of the functionalities require a valid MoveAdvisor API key.

I get a /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php 500 (Internal Server Error), how do I fix it?

This may be caused by several reasons. Please deactivate your other plugins one by one and check every time to see which one causes the problem. If the problem persists, it may be a memory issue. Open your website’s wp_config.php file add the following code:

define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’ );

This simply increase your memory limit to 256M and may fix the issue. If none of these work, please contact your server administrator.

About this plugin

This plugin is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

This plugin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

This plugin was developed by MoveAdvisor.com for the purpose of helping our affiliate partners generate more moving leads while serving the visitors with a better experience.

This plugin is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. MoveAdvisor should not be held liable under any circumstances.

If you have more questions that were not covered above or have a problem, please contact us here.

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