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$ 2705
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Carol Casper
Jun 06, 2019
Local move within Bethel, CT

Decent Work But Dishonest in the End.

I wanted to write a positive review of Whitaker and Sons because overall they worked hard and seemed interested in doing a good job helping me move under difficult circumstances.
However, the last couple of days Mr. Whitaker insisted that I pay in advance before his crew would show up, and on the last day, when he was absent but was supposed to send 3 crew members to do the job, only 2 showed up. I let him know at the end of the day and asked for a refund of the extra I'd paid to have three workers there for 10 hours. The difference amounted to $135.
Whitaker complained about a small fee he'd have to pay to process the refund, and suggested he could possibly come back the next week to help me with setting up the new place, but at the time I didn't need that help. I did, however, desperately need the refund as the total move ended up completing depleting my bank account. He said he needed a few days and would send it. I never heard from him.
After trying to reach him several times over the next week or so, Whitaker finally responded and again said he'd issue the refund. Still nothing. Then I suggested that I could actually use some additional help in lieu of a refund, if he could come some time in the next couple of weeks, but he didn't respond at all. So after that, I asked him again for the refund. He disputed what the amount should be, but said he would send a lower amount that I agreed was acceptable. Still nothing.
Finally I filed a claim with the credit card company asking for a partial refund of the entire charge I'd paid, and let him know I was taking care of it that way, so he didn't need to do anything about it any more.
Instead of allowing them to process the refund he'd promised, Whitaker disputed my claim and submitted a copy of the original invoice showing the total amount charged and paid in advance for 3 people, conveniently leaving out the detail that this charge was prepaid but then only two workers showed up.
Based on the invoice, the claims department initially settled the dispute in his favor, as whoever processed it had failed to read through and note the details I'd explained when I filed the claim. After I called the credit card company and explained once more that I'd been charged and paid in advance for work that was not delivered in full, and that I had texts from Whitaker promising to send me a refund, they reopened the dispute, and I expect they will find in my favor. Although I won't be shocked if he continues trying to fight it.
Whitaker went to all this trouble to keep the amount he overcharged me, even though he knows I am a widow with a disabled son, living on a fixed income, and was moving because I'd lost my house.
I believe I treated him and his workers fairly, not only paying his invoiced amount promptly either before or at the end of each day's help, but also adding on fairly generous daily tips for them. Even when I'm in dire financial straits, I believe in paying people fully for the work they do, even if it means going without some things I need, because it's the fair thing to do and I value other people's time and labor.
I don't understand how anyone with a shred of decency could be so greedy as to refuse to refund the amount I overpaid after all that, and lie to the credit card company about it even after they'd agreed they would send a refund.
Bottom line, I found Whitaker himself to be a greedy, dishonest person who should not be trusted!

Move size: 4 Bedroom Home Service cost: $2750

Mayor Uprichard
Aug 01, 2018
Long-distance move from Jacobsburg, OH to Oakland, NJ

They treated me perfectly.

I am so sure that I will not be disappointed by Whitaker and Sons when I get to hire them out again. They treated me perfectly well the very first time that I tried them out. I have every reason that they would do even better in future relocation. What had seemed to be hard at the onset turned out to be one of the most interesting experiences? I would long for one more experience like that.

Move size: 2 Bedroom Home Service cost: $1900

Emma Arlow
Aug 02, 2018
Long-distance move from El Prado, NM to Taylor, MI

Exceptional in a way.

There are some relocation companies that are just exceptional. There are certain service providers that can never be compared to the rest. A good example is Whitaker and Sons. I went for their services barely a week ago and I must confess that I loved the experience. Everything was just amazing. They came early enough for the relocation services. To make it even better, they ensured that there was no form of error during the relocation. It was so great knowing them.

Move size: 4 Bedroom Home Service cost: $4200

Robert Esser
Aug 03, 2018
Long-distance move from Macdona, TX to Leesville, LA

All lovely and full of glamour.

I know what is good and what is not. I have a clear conscience of what is ideal and that which is not worth my time or attention. So when I say that Whitaker and Sons is perfect, I mean every single word of it. When I say that they are great in terms of the services that they offer, I know for sure that these people are worth hiring out. They accorded me very exceptional services the last time I was relocating to Louisiana. It was all lovely and full of glamour.

Move size: 3 Bedroom Home Service cost: $2500

Augusto Peppers
Aug 04, 2018
Long-distance move from Lakeview, OR to Kennewick, WA

The relocation was such a fantastic one.

I will not even think twice about getting in touch with Whitaker and Sons the next time I will be relocating. I will get to them immediately and ask them to relocate me yet again, the same way they did last summer. It was such a nice experience being relocated by people who knew what they were doing. The relocation was such a fantastic one. They did not mess up in one way or the other but instead did everything according to expectations.

Move size: 3 Bedroom Home Service cost: $2200

Jennifer Hecker
Aug 05, 2018
Long-distance move from Evergreen, NC to Baltimore, MD

Amazing company.

Relocation will never be stress to me again. Now that I am fully sorted out, I will not have to get stressed up when relocating. It will just be a matter of coming to Whitaker and Sons and fixing a date with them. I will never again have to go over the internet in search of a relocation company. Now that I know about this amazing company, everything will never remain the same again, for that I am so certain.

Move size: 2 Bedroom Home Service cost: $1800

Darcy Gilpin
Aug 06, 2018
Long-distance move from Sadorus, IL to Virginia Beach, VA

It was so great.

How your service providers treat you matters a lot. When you are treated with lots of respect and due diligence the way Whitaker and Sons crew do, you feel not only honoured but also very happy. You feel that there are people who really care about your welfare as a client. I was left laughing after this company’s crew carried out an incredible relocation to me. It was so great and worth going for again and again.

Move size: 3 Bedroom Home Service cost: $3100

Suleman Palazola
Aug 07, 2018
Long-distance move from Park City, KY to Satellite Beach, FL

Perfectly executed!

I felt like moving yet again! After that incredible relocation, I felt like going through it over and over again. Whitaker and Sons Relocation team did such a good job, one that is worth looking for again. I got thrilled with it right from the way they started up till the very end. There was no delay in that Kentucky-Florida relocation. It was well planned and perfectly executed. I am not sure if we could have made it without them.

Move size: 3 Bedroom Home Service cost: $2400

Dur Vine
Aug 08, 2018
Long-distance move from San Francisco, CA to Valrico, FL

These people are awesome.

I am no longer doubting whether Whitaker and Sons is the best relocation company within the town or not. I am sure that they are. These people are awesome. They got to relocate me last month and the experience that I had with them is one worth sharing out. It was all glorious being relocated by them. They did not disturb me but instead gave me real value for the money that I paid. That is why I will always remain grateful to them.

Move size: 4 Bedroom Home Service cost: $4300

Kaliel Kurzyniec
Aug 09, 2018
Long-distance move from Remlap, AL to Independence, MO

I really loved the job by Whitaker and Sons.

Whitaker and Sons made my move to Independence, Missouri so stress-free and less of a headache. Relocation, especially when a long distance is involved is not easy, physically and emotionally. From Alabama to Independence was always going to be difficult, but I really loved the job that was done by Whitaker and Sons. Their professionalism shone throughout our collaboration and I couldn’t be happier at the end of the process. I’m very grateful.

Move size: 3 Bedroom Home Service cost: $3000

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Company Info

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Whitaker and Sons has registered their account, so they will be able to see and respond to your reviews publicly.

Their address is 50 Locust Ave, Danbury, CT, 06810, but removals usually cover a much larger area.

About the Business

Whitaker and Sons moving services is a moving labor provider.

Licenses & Certificates for Whitaker and Sons

To legitimately perform interstate moves, moving companies must be registered with the FMSCA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration). Click on the Whitaker and Sons license numbers for the government record information:

ICC MC number: not provided

US D.O.T.: not provided

Local State License: not provided

Want more detailed information on licenses? See our detailed guide on moving company regulations here.

What is Whitaker and Sons cost for interstate moves?

From 32095 reviews of people moving long ditance, we concluded that the market average costs are around $5601 when moving long-distance.

For Whitaker and Sons, we estimate that their average long-distance moving costs will be around $2705, based on 56 long distance moving reviews.

This could mean that long-distance moving services costs of Whitaker and Sons for moving between states is cheaper with about 52% from the market average.

Note that these long-distance moving prices vary from the prices you will get if you contact the company, since these costs are extracted solely from reviews data and not the moving company. In addition, move prices can vary greatly because of factors like shipment size and distance between locations as well as supplemental services like packing and assembly. This is why you should compare competing moving quotes from licensed movers with our tool here.

Average service costs information

We generate average normalized moving cost based on information submitted by people who have reviewed Whitaker and Sons. Take note that these prices may vary from the prices you will get if you contact the company, since these costs are based on reviews data and not the removals themselves. Please note that move prices can vary greatly based on factors like home size and distance between locations as well as supplemental services like packing and assembly.

The market averages are generated from reviews on our review sites from the last 3 years. To get more precise moving quotes, please consider using our moving estimator.

Community testimonials, ratings and consumer reports on Whitaker and Sons - a professional company located in 50 Locust Ave, Danbury, CT, 06810. Discover Danbury, Connecticut moving companies.

*RemovalReviews may not be affiliated with Whitaker and Sons and the estimates may be provided from other professional movers in our network.

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