Licenses & Certificates for M&M Movers of Edmonton
Before hiring a moving company like M&M Movers of Edmonton you should generally make sure you are dealing with a legitimately registered business. Some moving companies are incorporated in a specific province or territory and others are federally incorporated.
You can lookup federal corporations by name in the Corporations Canada online database.
When looking to hire a moving company from Alberta, you may want to lookup your company in the provincial register: Out-of-province corporations, Alberta.
Generally, all businesses have to register in the province or territory in which they do business.
You can get a free moving quote from registered movers with our moving cost estimation tool here.
Average service costs information
We generate average normalized moving cost based on information submitted by people who have reviewed M&M Movers of Edmonton. Take note that these prices may vary from the prices you will get if you contact the company, since these costs are based on reviews data and not the removals themselves. Please note that move prices can vary greatly based on factors like home size and distance between locations as well as supplemental services like packing and assembly.
Average price per move for M&M Movers of Edmonton is between 240 and 375 CAD based on 1 reviews only.
Community testimonials, ratings and consumer reports on M&M Movers of Edmonton - a professional company located in , Edmonton, AB. Discover Edmonton, Alberta moving companies.
*RemovalReviews may not be affiliated with M&M Movers of Edmonton and the estimates may be provided from other professional movers in our network.