Could you live with Casper?

We all love a bit of woo, those real-life stories that send a shiver down your spine or cause the hair on your neck to stand up.

Strange things that happen around the home that makes you wonder whether you are alone or if there is a ghost or poltergeist sharing the home with you.

Whether you find such stories scary, harmless fun, utter nonsense, or thought-provoking, being on the receiving end of spooky goings-on may not be quite so much fun.

So, with many people moving to remote places or into older properties all over the UK, we thought we should look into the whole subject of haunted homes a bit more closely.

In this week’s home moving blog, you can expect to discover all you need to know about buying, selling, or living in a haunted house.

You may also like to read: How to Soundproof Your Home and Garden. Hearing things that go bang in the night and it is not Casper? It could be the neighbours walking about upstairs or next door slamming cupboard doors. The answer is soundproofing. Read all you need to know about cheap and effective methods to block out unwanted sounds from your neighbours.

What Defines a Haunted House?

  • What is the definition of a Haunted House? defines a haunted house as ‘a house that is believed to be the centre for paranormal phenomena or supernatural occurrences’.
  • What is the definition of Paranormal? defines the paranormal as something without scientific explanation.
  • What is the definition of Supernatural? defines the supernatural as something that is unable to be explained by the laws of nature or by science, usually involving ghosts, spirits, or magic.

So a haunted house is a place where strange and inexplicable things happen. And usually, we attribute those spooky things to ghosts or poltergeists.

  • What is the definition of a ghost? defines a ghost as the spirit of a dead person visiting the living, appearing in a pale, almost transparent form. 
  • What is the definition of a poltergeist? defines a poltergeist as a noisy and mischievous ghost.

We should also mention demons which are a whole different phenomenon. defines a demon as an evil spirit or devil, something regarded as evil or cruel. 

Demonic possessions can result in extreme emotional and physical harm and often require professional treatment from a priest and/or mental healthcare specialist.

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Are Ghosts Real?

A figment of your imagination or a real ghostly apparition?

Scientists will say that no, ghosts are not real because there is no scientific evidence to prove their existence.

But as we all know, many things that scientists thought impossible for millennia have later been proven by advances in technology.

There have been suggestions from the scientific community that most ‘supernatural’ experiences can be explained by our senses being affected by low-frequency sound, carbon monoxide poisoning, the power of suggestion, or even just that our eyes and mind are playing tricks on us.

You can read more about the scientific explanation for spooky sights and sounds at  

Ask ghost hunters or mediums if there are such things as ghosts or spirits and they will relay a hundred stories of their own experiences which they believe to prove the existence of ghosts.

Yet not one ghost hunter has provided concrete evidence that ghosts exist.

The bottom line is that nobody can prove nor disprove the existence of ghosts as yet, but who knows whether that will change in the future as technology advances or even if we may rediscover parts of our brains that are able to see and interact with other dimensions that are amongst us now.

Whilst there is often a logical explanation, there are far too many unexplainable events that occur for them all to be hoaxes or have a rational explanation.

For those who have had what they believe to be a supernatural experience it does not matter what others think, the event felt real enough to them.

And the majority of people love to hear a good ghost story, especially if it happened to someone we know or somewhere we live.

So until the day that science can prove their existence, we will just have to keep on wondering if those creaking floorboards are ghosts or wood contracting or expanding because of dampness.

You may like to read: How to Make Your Home Feel More Relaxing. Is your home stressing you out? Discover 11 ways to make your home more relaxing and welcoming in this essential guide to making your home a sanctuary of relaxation.

Can Ghosts Hurt You?

Many cultures around the world welcome spirits back into the world on special days, such as the Day of the Dead in Mexico

It is extremely rare, and totally unproven, that ghosts can hurt you physically.

However, there is a real danger that we can suffer emotional and psychological trauma from the possibility that we are living in a haunted house.

Whilst we may love to hear a good ghost story, if we are the ones who experience bangs in the night or see ghosts on our landing, it would not be quite so entertaining.

Many believe that seeing a ghost or having creepy things happen in our homes is the result of our minds playing tricks on us.

The mind is an incredibly powerful tool and how we react to things that we cannot explain determines how harmful these experiences can be to us.

If you perceive a ghost as friendly, something that cannot cause you harm or distress, then it most likely won’t.

However, if you perceive a ghost as something to be feared and that will cause you harm, your mind is going to play more tricks on you and the emotional trauma could be significant.

We are programmed by culture via horror films and dramatic ghost-hunting TV shows to believe that ghosts are evil and are only here to cause us harm or worse.

The reality is, most ghosts are totally harmless and will not hurt you in any way, as is the experience of ghost hunters who have worked in this field for decades.  

Most people are familiar with the term poltergeist which is believed to be a ghost that is more mischievous and ‘ hands-on’. However, there is emerging evidence that poltergeist activity is actually psychokinetic activity caused by the living person.

A number of experiments and observations by the Rhine Research Centre proved that by performing some anxiety-reducing and mindfulness techniques the ‘poltergeist’ activity ceased. However, when anxiety was experienced again so was the ‘poltergeist’ activity.

So in summary, ghosts are extremely unlikely to hurt you but your mind can.

Is My House Haunted?

Is your home haunted or is there a more rational explanation for those noises in the night?

Is the sound of floorboards creaking or strange sounds in the night just normal settling of the house, maybe some vermin, or do you have a supernatural visitor?

How do you know if your home is haunted?

These are the main signs that paranormal investigators will look for when trying to determine if a place is haunted or not:

#1 Cold Spots

Feeling a chill that has no obvious source? A cold spot where there shouldn’t be one? It could be a classic sign that a spirit is close by.

#2 Unexplained Noises

Every home makes strange noises, from pipes knocking to wood contracting and expanding. Then there is the possibility that you have mice or a squirrel in your loft, maybe bird claws on your metal guttering.

But once you have eliminated these as possible causes then you could have a ghost.

#3 The Feeling You Are Being Watched

Do you ever get the feeling you are not alone? In all likelihood it is your mind playing tricks on you especially if your home is old and dark or just plain spooky, it is easy to convince ourselves that a ghostly presence is nearby.

But combined with the other signs of potential supernatural activity your home may just be haunted.

#4 A Smell with no Source

Often, what is known as ‘phantom scents’ accompany the paranormal activity. These are smells that are out of place, such as cigar smoke when nobody in the home smokes, or perfume that nobody in the home wears.

#5 Strange Electrical Events

Ghosts are believed to feed off of energy to then be able to manifest themselves. So if your lights flicker on and off and there is no problem with the appliance or the electrical system, or fully charged batteries just empty themselves instantly, then you may well have a ghost.

#6 Objects Disappearing and Reappearing

Some ghosts are mischievous and will play games with you like taking and hiding items and then bringing them back to unexpected places when you least expect it.

You could be getting forgetful, but it is more likely that your home is haunted by a playful spirit.

#7 Rooms With Bad Energy

Some rooms, even whole houses, sometimes just feel gloomy, and eerie, or give you a sense of unease or even grief.

If changing the décor or adding more lighting does not lift the sense of gloom, maybe it is time to call in the Ghostbusters.

You might like to read:  How to Fall in Love With a Home You Hate. Your home may not be haunted at all, you may just hate it, and that negative energy is feeding into the home itself. In this essential guide, we find out how to fall in love with a home that you hate.

What to do if Your Home is Haunted

Lighting candles, sprinkling salt, and cleansing with herbs are just a few ways to rid your home of bad energy.

In some cultures around the world, the spirit of the dead is celebrated and generally, ghosts are nothing to fear.

That said, you may not be too thrilled to be sharing your home with one, so how do you rid your home of a ghost?

#1 Cleanse Your Home

Not just a deep physical clean but cleaning of the bad energy in the home. Certain herbs such as sage are thought to cleanse the home of any bad energy that may be lurking there.

#2 It’s Good to Talk

It is believed that some ghosts do not realise that they are dead. Often just asking the ghost to leave you alone, to leave the home, is enough and they will move on.

#3 Sprinkle Salt

Many cultures around the world use salt to ward off spirits. It is a cheap and effective solution. Just sprinkle salt over the threshold of your home and in the corners of each room.

Calling in a priest or the Ghostbusters is usually the last resort and is very rarely needed.

Remember, it is believed that ghosts feed off of negative energy and fear, so if you are happy and positive in your home the ghost is unlikely to trouble you.

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Most Haunted Towns and Villages in the UK

The UK is rich in history, with hundreds of historic buildings and numerous battlefields, not to mention sites where witches were burned or where acts of extreme violence have taken place.

It is no wonder then that nearly every town and village has spooky tales and strange happenings to reveal.

These are some of the most haunted places in the UK that you might want to avoid, or then again, might want to live in depending upon how you feel about sharing your neighbourhood with ghosts and ghouls.

Top 3 Most Haunted Villages in England

Tutbury Castle: The most haunted place in Staffordshire?

#1 Calverton, Nottinghamshire

Calverton is a paranormal hotspot where ghostly hitchhikers are said to appear crossing Georges Hill and even suddenly materializing in the back seat of cars. Most motorists avoid this lane at night.

Then there is The Admiral Rodney pub where three ghosts are said to reside.

Locally known as ‘witches wood’, Foxwood is believed to be a source of witchcraft.

142 Main Street is where the friendly ghost advised viewers to buy the home because they would be very happy there.

Calverton Hall where a ghost known as the ‘white lady’ is said to roam.

Read more about the strange goings-on in Calverton at  

#2 Tutbury, Staffordshire

The beautiful village of Tutbury is home to Tutbury Castle where Mary Queen of Scots was imprisoned four times.

The castle itself is allegedly haunted by frequent sightings of dark ghosts, a ghost dog that sits on the walls of the castle, and a hooded phantom.

The Kings Bedroom had to be closed to the public due to visitors unexplainably fainting.

Many homes in the village have reported ghost soldiers walking the streets and even marching through their homes as well as the sounds of ghost horses walking the streets at night.

Tutbury also has 2 haunted pubs, The Leopard, and The Dog and Partridge, both the scenes of ghostly apparitions.

Read more about why Tutbury is considered the most haunted village in Staffordshire at   

#3 Pluckley, Kent, England

Pluckley was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records in 1989 as the most haunted village in Britain with allegedly 13 or 14 ghosts, although these days ghostly sightings are few and far between…….or people are just used to their ghostly visitors now.

From highwaymen to numerous female ghosts, even a phantom dog, there are plenty of ghosts here to keep any avid ghost hunter busy.

Learn more about the ghosts of Pluckley at

Top 3 Most Haunted Places in Scotland

Edinburgh is the second most haunted place in Scotland

In a country so rich in history and with numerous castles, it is no wonder that Scotland has so much paranormal activity.

Here are the places in Scotland with the most recorded supernatural events:

#1 The Highlands

With over 200 reported sightings of ghosts, the highlands is a spectacularly beautiful but eerie place. Be sure to do your research thoroughly before deciding upon your new home here.

#2 Edinburgh and the Lothians

Amassing over 170 ghostly reports, Edinburgh and the Lothians is the second most haunted place in Scotland.

#3 Fife

Fife comes in at number 3 with over 70 reports of supernatural events including a friendly monk.

Discover more haunted places in Scotland at

Top 3 Most Haunted Places in Ireland

The HellFire Club in Dublin was the scene of many satanic rituals

With such a long history it is no wonder that Ireland has so many haunted places. Here are the top 3 most haunted places in Ireland.

#1 The Hell Fire Club, Dublin

An old hunting lodge used for satanic purposes, even today people still report seeing demons there. 

Find out more about the Hell Fire Club at

#2 Ducketts Grove

Galloping horses, servants chatting, and a phantom horse and carriage are said to haunt Ducketts Grove after a curse was placed on the Duckett family.

Find out more about Ducketts Grove at   

#3 Ballygally Castle

Many guests at this hotel, once a castle, report phantom children and the ghost of Lady Isobel roaming the corridors.

Read more about the ghosts of Ballygally Castle at  

Top 3 Most Haunted Places in Wales

Wales is the land of myths and legends so it must be haunted, right?

A country filled with myths and legends, Wales has a long history of ghost sightings.

#1 Cardiff

Cardiff tops the list of the most haunted place in Wales with 23 reported paranormal events.

Cardiff Royal Infirmary is the site of the UK’s most haunted hospital whilst as recently as 2021 the ghost of Lady Lansdowne has been appearing to customers at The Lansdowne Pub.

#2 Monmouth

Shire Hall is the scene of many a paranormal manifestation and there are even reports of vampires in the town.

#3 Gwent

The county of Gwent gets the title of the most haunted county in Wales. There have been 143 reported paranormal events in Gwent including 5 reports of poltergeists.

No matter where you would like to move we have comprehensive guides to every part of not just the UK but the most popular destinations for people moving overseas too. Be sure to visit our home moving blog on choosing where to live next.

Where to Find Haunted Houses for Sale or Rent in the UK

An awesome renovation opportunity or home of ghostly activity?

We were able to find some old listings on the internet where homes were specifically listed as spooky or in the most haunted locations but nothing recent.

So we tried the following searches which brought up plenty of potentially haunted places that you might want to live in or avoid, depending upon your preference.

  • Gothic homes for sale
  • Castles for sale
  • Churches for sale
  • Historic Homes for sale
  • Medieval houses for sale
  • Historic cottages for sale
  • Historic buildings for sale
  • Search by location – Pluckley for example

You might like to view these estate agents’ websites which specialize in unusual homes if you want to live in a potentially haunted house

Are haunted homes profitable?

As it turns out, buying a haunted home could be a sound financial investment.

There is huge interest in the paranormal and many people will pay big money to spend a night in a haunted house.

For example, 30 East Drive, Pontefract, a semi-detached ex-council house featured in the film When the Lights Went Out, now commands up to £400 a night from visitors who want to sleep there and be scared witless.

So buying a haunted house could be a great business opportunity as reported on

How Do You Know If You Are Buying a Haunted House?

Most vendors are unlikely to advertise if the house is haunted or has been the site of grisly events

There are probably few houses in the UK where someone has not died or the land was once a battlefield, for example, the UK is well known as a hotbed of supernatural activity.

In fact, half of the people who took part in a survey by Towergate Insurance believed they had experienced some sort of paranormal activity and 1 in 8 claimed to have moved home because they believed it was haunted.

So how to tell if a house is haunted before buying?

It is unlikely that the vendor or landlord is going to advertise the fact that the house is haunted, so you are going to have to do some research yourself.

#1 Check Out the History of the Property

Local history groups, talking to neighbours, internet searches, and local libraries are all places where you can do some searches about the property you are thinking of moving into.

Old local newspapers will likely have reports of spooky goings on in the area, there may even be a local ghost hunter or historian who can help you uncover the history of the home.

Senior citizen groups are a great source of information as many families will have lived in the area for maybe generations and will know all the local legends and folklore.

Must read: How to Research the History of a House. In this guide, we explore all the ways you can discover the history of your home and the land it sits upon. Discover how to determine the age of your property, what the land was originally used for, who the previous owners were, and lots more in this useful guide.

#2 Bad Energy or Grumpy Occupants?

Some people are just grumpy and can make a home feel unwelcome or even eerie, whilst some homes themselves just give off bad energy.

It could be the décor of the home or even the lack of natural light in rooms that gives it a spooky or oppressive feeling.

Whilst these things do not mean the home is haunted, they will not make the home welcoming nor make you feel that this is the home for you.

These things are easily fixable though by ridding the home of bad energy, which is always a good idea when moving into any home, and a lick of fresh bright paint, well-placed lamps, and opening the curtains will make the home appear brighter and a nicer place to be.

#3 Temperature Changes

As you tour your prospective new home you may feel cold spots or sudden drops of temperature in certain rooms.

Check for obvious sources of draughts like badly fitted windows or gaps under the doors.

If there is no obvious source for the chill to come from, and it is cold in only one particular spot, then you may have a supernatural presence in the room.

#4 Check the Garden

It is not unheard of for older properties to be built on old graveyards so take a good look around the garden, you may just spot an old tombstone.

#5 Trust Your Gut Instinct

Some people are perceptible to the supernatural whilst others have a trustworthy gut instinct.

When viewing the home if you get any bad vibes or feelings of unrest then it is probably best to give this home a miss.

Want to find out if the home you are looking to buy is on the haunted house register? Check out this free database or take the quiz to find out just how haunted the house or area is at    

You may also like to read: How to Bring Good Luck and Positive Energy Into Your New Home. From introducing plants and crystals to your room, positive décor ideas, ways to bring good luck on moving day, and traditional ways to bring positive energy and good energy to your new home, this is an invaluable guide.

Do Estate Agents Have to Tell You if a Home Is Haunted?

Most people would choose not to live in a haunted home, so the chances of the estate agent or vendor being forthcoming with information about the ghosts or strange things that happen in the home are extremely unlikely.

However, if you ask the question outright then they must tell you.

Of course, it could be that the current occupiers are the catalyst for the spooky goings-on and you may never have anything weird or scary happen once you move in. states that potentially a seller could face legal action from a buyer under the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading regulations if they fail to disclose that a house is haunted when they believe that it is.

Whilst I could find no legal cases in the UK where a new owner had taken the vendor to court for failing to disclose that a home was haunted, there is a very famous case in the US, Stambovsky vs Ackley, where a home was widely reported in local and national media as being haunted. 

This fact was not disclosed to the buyer who subsequently found out about the supernatural events in the house.

He successfully took the vendor to court for failing to disclose the supernatural history of the house and was able to back out of the purchase and get his deposit back.

How to Sell a Haunted House

Has the home been empty or for sale for a long time for a supernatural reason?

Do haunted houses sell for less? A study by the Yorkshire Building Society, as reported on, concluded that having resident ghosts in your home could slash up to 42% off of the asking price when trying to sell it.

Whilst another set of research by Nested, as reported on, shows that a ghost in your home can increase its value by 44%

So it all comes down to marketing, whether you want to make the apparitions a feature, a selling point, or to keep quiet unless the buyer asks the specific question as to whether the home is haunted.

So Who Ya Gonna Call?

There is a free UK paranormal investigation service in the UK that pledge to investigate and try to get to the bottom of any paranormal activity in your home or place of work.

They can be contacted at

By phone on 07384 743738

Or by email at

If you are moving home soon, whether that is into a haunted home or not, give us a call at 0800 086 9039 to get instant, free quotes for your removal costs from some of the best removal companies in the country.

If you would like some lighthearted Halloween home moving advice be sure to read:

Finally, please leave your ghost stories in the comments below, we would all love to read them!

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