In this week’s home moving blog you can discover tips for staying fit and healthy when moving home:

Keep your body and mind healthy for a safe and stress-free home move

It is not unusual when we are under pressure, when there are just so many things to do, that our healthy lifestyle goes by the wayside.

This is especially true when moving home.

During a home move, you are likely to sleep less, eat more fast food, experience stress, skip your normal exercise regime, or even cause yourself injury lifting boxes.

But when moving home we should be especially mindful of not just our physical health but also our mental well-being.

The physical hardship and mental stress of moving home should never be underestimated so it is especially important during a home move to take good care of yourself.

How do you Stay Healthy While Moving Home?

Taking care of your health during a home move should include the following:

  • Plan far ahead so that you know what needs doing and when which will help reduce stress levels
  • Ensure you get plenty of rest
  • Maintain healthy sleep patterns
  • Eat healthily
  • Take time away from the home to recharge your batteries
  • Stay hydrated during periods of physical activity
  • Schedule your days so that they include rest, work, and include your normal fitness regime
  • Consider reworking your daily routine. So maybe do your run in the morning rather than the evening when your energy levels are higher and which will also help release endorphins to help you get through the day.
  • Knowing how to lift boxes properly will help prevent any physical injuries.
Consider changing your routine by doing your run early morning to help release all the endorphins

The best way to stay healthy when moving home is to continue your healthy habits and stay as stress-free as possible, which is often easier said than done.

For that reason, it makes really good sense to hire a good full-service removal team to move home.

Leave all the packing and moving to the removal team thereby freeing up your time and energy to concentrate on your personal well-being.

Of course, there will still be things that you need to do, like decluttering, but the more tasks you can delegate to the removal team, the less stressful and tiring your home move will be.

Most people focus on moving out of their current home, but when you arrive at your new home there are still many tasks to perform and you will need plenty of energy, not just for things like unpacking, but you will need mental energy to get accustomed to your new home and surroundings.

So read on to discover ways to maintain your physical and mental health during your home move.

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Tips for Healthy Eating While Moving Home

A healthy breakfast will give you energy and stop you snacking through the day
  • Eat a nutritious breakfast every day
  • Plan meals around the things you have at home
  • Batch cook so healthy meals are easy to grab
  • Make use of slow cookers to save time
  • Have healthy and nutritious snacks readily available
  • Stay hydrated
  • Do not pack a few essential kitchen tools so that you can easily create a meal

Eating the right food not only helps maintain your energy levels but also helps prevent fatigue. This is really important because the more tired you get, the less you achieve, which leads to stress as you become overwhelmed with all the tasks you face.

So maintaining a good diet helps your physical and mental well-being.

Of course, this is easier said than done, but with a little planning it is achievable.

Your body is going to need fuel to perform the tiring work that you face moving home so start each day with a nutritious breakfast.

A good breakfast will not only provide your body with fuel but will prevent you from snacking throughout the day on unhealthy things.

You will have to use up all those part-opened packets and run down your freezer anyway before moving day, so plan meals based on what you already have in your store cupboard and freezer.

Spend a day batch cooking so that you only need to grab a container of pre-made food when you need it.

Not only will this save you money on buying take-outs but will be healthier for you as well. This also allows you to continue with whatever diet you follow easily.

Use a slow cooker to make meals so that as you work your meal is being cooked. This will save time and ensure you have a hot and healthy meal when you need it.

Plan on having some easy-to-grab high-protein snacks so that if you feel your energy starting to wane you will eat something nutritious that will provide your body with the fuel it needs.

Staying hydrated is very important so ensure you have of plenty water to drink, especially when you sweating carrying all those boxes.

Finally, remember to not pack a few essential kitchen tools as well as a set of cutlery and plates. Keep them out so that you have the equipment you need to cook and eat properly so that you are not tempted to get take-outs.

Of course, we all slip at times and grab a take-out or a less-than-healthy snack. That is perfectly normal but as long as you maintain a healthy balance and give your body and mind the fuel it needs all will be well.

How Many Calories do you Burn During a Moving Home?

How many calories that are burned moving home depends upon

  • Your weight
  • Gender
  • Whether you are moving up and down flights of stairs
  • Your metabolism
  • The speed at which you move the boxes and furniture
  • The temperature you are working in
You’ll easily burn as many calories moving home as when at a fitness class

As an example, states: 

  • A person weighing 57kg burns 210 calories in 30 minutes moving boxes
  • A person weighing 91kg burns 311 calories in 30 minutes moving boxes

However, there are so many factors that will affect the number of calories burned moving furniture or boxes that a definitive answer is difficult to give.

For a more accurate way of determining how many calories you are burning moving home, you could use a ‘calories burned moving boxes calculator’ such as the one on

Alternatively, you could use a fitness tracker to see how many calories you are burning during your home move.

As this article shows, it is surprising just how strenuous moving can be and just how many calories can be burned on moving day. On moving day alone his Fitbit showed:  

  • 5,197 calories burned
  • 30,849 steps
  • 24.09km walked

This just goes to show how strenuous it is moving home but also how it can help you stay fit and reach your fitness goals.

Taking Care of your Mental Wellbeing During a Home Move

A checklist keeps you organised and focused which helps prevent stress

One of the most important aspects of staying healthy moving home is to take good care of your mental well-being. Everyone manages change differently but there are a few simple things you can do to help manage stress levels during a home move:

  • Start the moving process as soon as possible
  • Plan each step of the moving process in manageable stages
  • Have a Plan B for when things go wrong
  • Talk through your feelings with others
  • Take time to recharge your batteries and relax
  • Concentrate on the positives of moving home

Start the Moving Process as Soon as Possible

The more time you have to complete your home move the less overwhelmed, and therefore less stressed, you will be.

As soon as you have made the decision to move home start getting some tasks done straightaway.

Decluttering is your first and most important task, it will make packing easier and cheaper, loading and unloading quicker, and will reduce your overall moving costs.

You could also start packing up seasonal items or the least used room in your home.

Leaving everything to the last minute is a recipe for disaster and will lead to an extremely stressful moving day.

Essential reading: The Epic Guide to Decluttering for a Home Move. Decluttering is time-consuming and emotional, but it is time and effort extremely well spent. The fewer items you move to your new home the cheaper your removal costs will be and the less cluttered your new home will be.

Plan Each Stage of Your Home Move

Having a checklist and calendar of all the home moving tasks you need to complete is essential so that you know what has got to be done and when.

However, the list can seem overwhelming and therefore stressful.

So break it down into manageable sections. Just concentrate on that day’s or week’s tasks.

Must read:

Have a Plan B for When Things Go Wrong

No matter how good your planning or how expert your removal team is, there is always the possibility that things will go wrong on moving day.

If you have considered what may go wrong and how you would get around that problem then you will be far calmer and relaxed should it happen.

The idea is to manage as many variables as possible, to control as much of the move as you can. The more in control you feel the more relaxed you will feel.

Essential reading: Things That Can Go Wrong on Moving Day and How to Manage Them. An essential guide to help you identify things that may go wrong during your home move and what you can do to manage those events.

Talk Through Your Feelings

Knowing how to stay calm when moving home is a skill that will not only keep your stress levels in check but also keep those around you calm.

During the home moving process you, and those around you, are going to experience numerous emotions, from elation to heartbreak.

It will help immensely if you have someone to talk to about the emotions you are going through. Equally, it would be useful for those around you to share how they are feeling.

Sharing your feelings will help you get another perspective, to understand that you are all going through emotional turmoil and that you are not going through this alone.

Open communication is an opportunity to reassure, laugh and cry together, to put things into perspective, and to share a vision of a wonderful new future.

We all manage change differently and handle stress differently, but often the right word, or a hug, is all it takes to refocus us, to remove all those doubts and fears, so that we face the challenges ahead.

Recharge and Relax

One of the most important aspects of self-care when moving home is rest. Not only is it essential for your body but also your mind.

Ensure that you get all the sleep your body needs, setting a cut-off time each night to stop working and still have enough time to eat a proper meal, relax, and then get a good night’s rest.

It is recommended that the average adult gets 6-8 hours’ sleep for a healthy night’s rest.

Take regular breaks away from whatever task you are doing, take a walk around the block, or sit in a relaxing area reading a book for half an hour.

Not only will this relax you physically, but mentally too, revitalizing you so that you can crack on with the next task.

Part of your relaxing and recharging regime is also to ensure you eat nutritious and healthy meals to fuel your mind and body, as well as staying hydrated, as we saw earlier in this article.

Without rest and fuel, you will soon experience burn-out, which could lead to missed moving deadlines, and a very stressful moving day.

The Positives of Moving Home

One of the most beneficial things you can do to manage your stress levels moving home is to maintain a positive state of mind.

Remind yourself that every home-moving task you complete is a step nearer to moving into your wonderful new home.

People often dwell on what they are leaving behind, a home full of cherished memories, or friends and family they will be moving away from.

Then they focus on all the home moving tasks that need completing.

Finally, the thought of making your new place feel like home, all the unpacking and organising, not to mention getting used to a new area, maybe a new job or new school, and having to create a new social circle can seem totally overwhelming.

But change can be an amazing experience. It opens us up to new opportunities, new experiences, maybe a new culture, new hobbies, and perhaps even gives us the space we need in the new home.

It is also the opportunity to leave bad memories or experiences behind us, to start afresh, and to lead the life we have always dreamt of.

One tip is to make a list of the cons of where you currently live then a pros list of your new home and area.

Focusing on the positives of why you are moving home, and all of the benefits of your new place will motivate you and reassure you that you are making the right decision.

You may also like to read: The Bright Side of Moving Home in which we explore the topic of the positive aspects of moving home in far more detail.

Why Moving Home is Good for Your Health

  • Helps you break bad habits
  • Enables new good habits
  • New gyms or fitness classes
  • Convenient city living so you walk more
  • Moving to the coast you can take up watersports
  • Moving to the countryside promotes healthier living
  • Gardening is a great workout
  • Growing healthy and nutritious produce in the garden
  • A new kitchen encourages you to cook at home
  • Moving away from bad neighbours will improve your mental wellbeing
Fresh tomatoes straight from your own garden. Food doesn’t get much healthier than that

Despite the stresses and extreme emotions that some people experience when moving home, there are actually not only positives to moving home, but some health benefits too.

Many bad habits are triggered by familiar routines. This could be walking to work and passing a donut shop where you grab a coffee and a donut every day, or having the biscuit tin next to the kettle.

When you move to a new home and new area these habits are broken so it is easier to start new healthier habits.

Where you move to may have different gym equipment than you currently use or may have a broader range of fitness classes.

Moving to the city where everything is so convenient means you will probably walk more and most cities have plenty of parks and open spaces.

When moving to the coast you may take up watersports or sea swimming, or just spend more time outdoors.

The countryside offers an abundance of walking routes and if your new home has the space you may choose to get a dog that ensures you walk every single day.

A larger home usually means more kitchen space so you may be inclined to cook healthy and nutritious meals.

Having a garden and growing fruit and vegetables is not only great exercise but you know the food is organic and may encourage you to try new and healthy recipes.

Moving to a new area will open you up to new experiences, new cultures, and a new social network which is great for stimulating the mind and developing as a person.

There is also the satisfaction of knowing that when you completed the move, you made the decision to change your life and actually made it happen. That can do wonders for your confidence.

And finally, if you moved because of bad neighbours then your mental health will immediately improve, you will become calmer, and your quality of life will improve dramatically.

You may also like to read: The Health Benefits of Moving Home in which we look into this subject in far more detail and look at the evidence that backs up these health claims.

How to Stay Healthy in Extreme heat/cold/wet

Every year seems to set new records for the hottest, coldest, or wettest season as climate change impacts us more and more.

So, if your luck is anything like mine, the chances are you are going to be moving home during a heatwave, monsoon-like rain, or really cold temperatures.

There is often no way to be certain what the weather will be like on moving day until the actual day itself, and then it is not unusual to have a hot morning with heavy rain in the afternoon or vice versa.

The only way to deal with unpredictability is to plan for every scenario.

Follow these tips to ensure that your move is comfortable and safe and that you protect your health no matter what the weather.

11 Tips for moving home in hot weather:

It is essential to stay hydrated when moving home in hot weather
  • Start early
  • Have a packing strategy
  • Open doors and windows
  • Stay hydrated
  • Wear suitable clothing
  • Take it slowly
  • Plan for heat-sensitive items
  • Pay special attention  to pets and kids
  • Watch out for heat exhaustion
  • Ventilate and shade your new home
  • Prepare your car

#1 Start Early In the Day

It is cooler early morning so plan to start moving day early before it gets too hot. If you travelling a long distance and have kids and pets in the car it is also advisable to start travelling early morning or late evening when it is cooler.

#2 Have a Packing Strategy

Packing is a long, hard task so have a packing plan that takes into consideration whether a certain room is best packed early morning or late afternoon because the sun is on that side of the house and the room gets very hot. You could also consider drawing the curtains to keep the sun out.

Avoid packing the loft or shed when the sun is at its hottest because these places become extremely hot very quickly.

#3 Open Doors and Windows

If there are no security or safety issues in doing so, open doors and windows early morning and late afternoon to allow a through breeze to reduce the temperature in the home.

During the hottest parts of the day keeping doors and windows closed and the curtains drawn will help keep the home cooler.

#4 Stay Hydrated

It is vitally important that you keep hydrated during the physical exertion of moving home. Avoid ice-cold or fizzy drinks as these will dehydrate you further.

Isotonic drinks are great for keeping you hydrated.

#5 Wear Suitable Clothing

Avoid tight-fitting or dark-coloured clothes or those made from manmade fibres. Wear light-coloured garments that are loose fitting although be careful that they are not too loose and can get caught on door handles for example.

Wear footwear that is nonslip and offers your feet protection should you drop a piece of furniture or box on them. Never wear open-toed, bar sandals as they offer zero protection and can easily slip off your feet and cause a tripping hazard.

Be sure to wear gloves even if uncomfortable to do so in the heat, they will protect your hands and make lifting safer.

#6 Take it Slowly

Of course, you want to get out of your old home and into the new one as quickly as possible and you are working against the clock, but rushing will cause fatigue quicker which often leads to accidents.

Ensure you take plenty of short breaks in the shade and take the opportunity to refuel your body.

#7 Plan for Heat-Sensitive Items

Food is unlikely to fare well during a long-distance home move so plan on moving as few food items as possible.

Plants may have to travel with you in your car as many removal firms will not take them in the removal lorry. So ensure that the plants are moist, not wet, to survive the journey.

Electronics and vinyl record collections should be kept out of direct sunlight and high temperatures to avoid damage.

 #8 Pay Special Attention to Pets and Children

Ensure that you plan for numerous stops if you are moving long distances so that your pets and children can get some fresh air and also get a drink.

Ensure that the car is well-ventilated and when parked up is out of direct sunlight.

#9 Watch Out for Heat Exhaustion

Heat exhaustion is when the body loses excessive amounts of salt and water which occurs during strenuous activity, especially in hot environments. The elderly and those with high blood pressure are particularly susceptible to heat exhaustion.

Heat exhaustion manifests itself as a headache, sickness, dizziness, irritability, thirst, cramps, and heavy sweating.

Learn more about heat exhaustion and how to treat it at   

#10 Ventilate and Shade Your New Home

Most home moves are completed late afternoon when hopefully the weather is starting to cool off a bit. Opening all the doors and windows, if it is safe to do so, at your new place, may offer a cooling through breeze.

If the late sun is still streaming through the windows then draw the curtains to keep the room cool.

#11 Prepare Your Car

Ensure that your car is serviced before moving day so that the coolant in the car is fresh and full, and that the aircon is working properly.

Consider putting sunscreens in the windows to stop sunlight from heating the interior of the car.

Park in shady spots whenever you need to stop.

Ensure you have plenty of water in the car to keep you hydrated.

You may also like to read: Top 20 Tips for Moving in Summer which looks into warm weather moves in more depth.

13 Tips for moving home in cold weather:

Layers of clothing will help you regulate your body temperature
  • Clear paths
  • Protect flooring
  • Wear the right clothing
  • Have hot drinks readily available
  • Keep nutritious snacks to hand
  • Take your time
  • Ensure your utilities are set up
  • Prepare a hot meal for the first night
  • Pack your essential moving box with cold weather in mind
  • Prepare your car
  • Check your routes
  • Create a warm room
  • Watch out for Hypothermia

#1 Clear Paths

Clear entry and exit routes from the home to the removal van of snow and fallen leaves to prevent any slipping hazards.

Try to get the removal van as close to your front door as possible to minimize the walking distance and therefore slipping risks.

Take a broom and snow shovel in your car so that you can do the same when you arrive at your new home.

#2 Protect Flooring

A good removal company will bring their own floor covering to prevent your floors from getting dirty or damaged.

If you are moving home by yourself ensure that anything you put down to protect your floors does not create a tripping hazard.

#3 Wear the Right Clothing

Wear layers of clothes so that you can take layers on and off to regulate your body temperature.

Good sturdy shoes with non-slip soles should be worn.

Gloves will help you keep a good grip on furniture and boxes as you move them.

#4 Have Hot Drinks Readily Available

A hot drink will fuel you are your removal teams’ bodies and lift their spirits. Take a flask or two or ensure the kettle is readily available for when you get to your new home too.

Soup will be especially welcome if the weather is extremely cold.

#5 Keep Nutritious Snacks on Hand

Moving in cold weather, your body will use up lots of energy so have plenty of nutritious snacks handy to replace that lost energy and refuel your body.

Granola bars, almonds, dry berries, fruit, or peanut butter are easy and will supply your body with lots of energy.

#6 Take Your Time

Rushing about is likely to end in an accident, especially during icy and slippy conditions. It is better to take your time, watch your footing, drive as the weather conditions allow, and arrive in one piece rather than have an accident.

#7 Ensure Your Utilities are Set Up

It would be a disaster to have no heating or hot water in your new place so ensure your utilities are set up and working for moving day.

It is especially important if moving to rural properties to ensure that gas bottles are full, there is heating oil in the tank, and there is some solid fuel for the first few weeks at least in your new home.

#8 Plan a Hot Meal for the First Night

Pre-make a hot meal that can be reheated to ensure that you have a good hot meal on the first night in your new home.

If it is pre-prepared it will ensure that the meal meets your dietary requirements, will be quick and easy to reheat and will be cheaper than getting a takeout.

It may also be that due to unforeseen circumstances on moving day, it may be just far too late to order food, and if moving to a remote location then deliveries may not even be made there.

You may also want to consider having a back-up plan on how to heat your food if there is a power cut for example. A camping stove has saved the day on a couple of occasions during my home moves.

#9 Pack your Essential Moving Box with Cold Weather in Mind

Your moving day essentials box will contain all the things that you readily need to hand on moving day. However, if you are moving in very cold weather, especially long distances, it is worth packing some additional items.

I always pack as if going on a winter camping trip if moving to a cold place or during the winter.

So I would include extra pairs of thick socks, a thermal hat, and gloves, a sleeping bag, a sleeping mat, torches and spare batteries, headlamps, power banks, an emergency thermal blanket, snacks, food, drink, cooking and eating utensils, wet wipes, and camping stove with spare gas as a minimum.

This covers most eventualities if for whatever reason there is no electricity or the beds cannot be made and will get you through the first night comfortably.

Also bear in mind that you are likely to arrive at your new home late in the day or even late at night. Pack a selection of spare light bulbs, it is not unheard of for people to take the light bulbs when they move out. It is also a good idea to pack a few torches with spare batteries just in case. Head lamps are especially useful because they keep your hands free.

#10 Prepare Your Car

Get your car serviced a few weeks before moving day, especially if moving a long distance.

It is also worth packing a winter emergency kit in your car which would include things such as torches, blankets, snow shovel, tow rope, winter screen wash, ice scraper, de-icer, and battery booster.

Ensure your tyres have plenty of tread and are pumped to the correct levels.

You may even need to consider snow chains if moving in heavy snow.

#11 Check Your Route

It is normally a good idea to check your route for new road works or delays but this is especially important if you are moving in winter.

Even though the area you are leaving has manageable weather, if you are moving across the country the weather could be very different.

It is also a good idea to have a secondary route planned just in case you need it.

Taking a paper map is also a good idea just in case your GPS loses signal.

#12 Create a Warm Room

It will be impossible to keep your new home warm as the removal team moves things into your new home but it is a good idea to create a warm room, especially if you are moving with kids and pets.

A portable heater, a heated blanket, warm blankets, hot food and drink, and warm clothing will help to create a warm space to keep the worst of the chill off whilst the removal team does their job.

And if for any reason the new home has no heating, you will have one room where you can try to keep warm for the first night.

#13 Watch Out for Hypothermia

Hypothermia occurs when your body becomes too cold and can be very dangerous.

You can get hypothermia when:

  • You wear the wrong type of clothes or not even clothing in cold weather
  • When your clothes become wet
  • If you stay out in the cold for too  long
  • If your home is particularly cold

The symptoms of hypothermia include:

  • Pale, cold, and dry skin
  • Lips or skin may turn blue
  • Uncontrollable shivering
  • Tiredness and confusion
  • Slurred speech
  • Slow breathing

To find out more about hypothermia and what to do and not do when you suspect a person has hypothermia visit  

You may also like to read: 10 Cool Tips to Survive a Winter Move in which we look into the subject of moving home in the colder months in more depth.

Tips for moving home in wet weather:

Double taping keeps the contents dry and the box held securely together if it does get damp
  • Wear appropriate clothing
  • Protect your flooring
  • Double Tape Moving Boxes
  • Use Shrink Wrap
  • Move everything to the front door
  • Keep a Mop to Hand
  • Check Routes
  • Unloading
  • Take Your Time

#1 Wear Appropriate Clothing

Non-slip soles on your shoes are essential to prevent slips on wet surfaces.

A suitable rain jacket and hat will help keep you dry and prevent hypothermia.

Good gloves with non-slip palms will help you keep a good grip on your boxes and furniture and prevent your hands from slipping.

#2 Protect Your Flooring

A good removal company will bring their own floor coverings to protect your floors but check that that is the case with the company you have hired.

If moving yourself then lay plastic sheets under a layer of flattened cardboard boxes. Ensure they are securely in place to prevent any tripping hazards.

#3 Double Tape Your Boxes

Cheaper packing tapes when they get wet lose their adhesion so ensure you use good quality packing tape.

Ensure the top and bottom flaps of the box are double-taped so that there is no way that water can get inside of them.

Double-walled boxes are stronger and will withstand getting a bit damp, so ensure you use good-quality moving boxes.

If the weather looks like it is going to be really wet, consider using plastic tote boxes to pack any items that must be absolutely protected from dampness.

#4 Use Shrink Wrap

In reality, your boxes and furniture will be out in the rain for just a few moments unless there is a long walk from your front door to the removal van.

If that is the case, wrap all your furniture and boxes in industrial shrink wrap. It is clear and very strong so will not only protect your belongings from the rain but you will still be able to clearly see the box labels.

If your budget does not run to industrial shrink wrap then have some heavy-duty bin bags to hand. Put the box inside the bag, carry it to the van, remove the box from the bag, and use it for the next box.

#5 Move Everything to the Front Door or Garage

To prevent any water damage to your carpets or flooring minimize the distance the removal team has to move inside the home.

This could mean stacking all the boxes as close to the front door as possible or putting them in the garage so that the removal team only has to come into the house to carry out any furniture.

#6 Keep a Mop to Hand

With the best will in the world, there is still the risk that your floors may get wet or muddy. Keep a mop out so that you can give the floors a final mop over before you close the front door for the final time

#6 Plan Your Route

In extremely wet periods there is the possibility that roads can flood so check the route you will be taking to your new home to see if it is susceptible to flooding and road closures and plan an alternate route accordingly.

#7 Unloading

Don’t forget that you still have to unload at your new home so take that floor protection with you.

#8 Take Your Time

Moving home in the rain is no fun and you will want to get finished as quickly as possible. But that is when accidents are likely to happen, rushing around in slippery conditions.

So take your time, be sure of your footing, and watch out for slippery surfaces or mud on the path for example.

Safe Handling Techniques

Moving home would seem to be a great opportunity to improve or maintain your fitness, lifting boxes, moving up and down stairs, and walking back and forth to the removal van.

But you may be using muscle groups that you do not usually use and that is likely to result in injury.

However, by using the correct lifting techniques and using proper furniture moving equipment you will reduce the risk of any injury significantly.

This is so important that we have written an in-depth guide on how to safely move heavy and large furniture.  This guide includes not only lifting techniques but the furniture moving equipment that you can hire to make the moving process as simple as possible.

Final Thoughts on Staying Healthy Moving Home

Moving day can be exhausting for everyone, so leave it to the professionals

Looking after yourself during a home move is essential, the physical and mental pressures of moving home are considerable.

Nothing will make your home move safer, easier, and less stressful than hiring a good removal company to do it all for you.

Yes, hiring a removal company does not come cheap, but what price do you put on your health and safety?

The risk of injury, exhaustion, extreme stress, and family friction is high during a home move, is it really worth saving a few pounds to risk your sanity and well-being?

Must read: A Step-By-Step Guide to Picking a Good Removal Company. Here we take you step-by-step through the process to find a good removal company which is essential reading for anybody moving home.

Get a free, no-obligation home moving quote to see just how affordable and easy a really good removal company will make your home move.

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