92 removals in Everett

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Movers near Everett by city

Sometimes movers in nearby cities can also handle your move. Here is a list of cities closest to Everett, WA sorted by distance.

What to know when moving to Everett, WA

Everett, WA, offers a unique blend of urban charm and natural beauty, making it ideal for those seeking balance. Everett is a gateway to the Pacific Northwest lifestyle, with the majestic Cascades framing its skyline and the serene Puget Sound at its shores. The city hosts the impressive Boeing Assembly Plant, a local economic powerhouse and a fascinating landmark for residents and visitors alike. Weather patterns reflect the region's distinct seasons, with mild, wet winters and warm, glorious summers. Its proximity to Seattle ensures ample cultural and professional opportunities without the bustle of city life. Everett's community spirit and evolving amenities continue to attract those moving for growth and quality of life.

Who regulates Everett interstate movers?

Everett moving companies are required to be registered with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) if they perform interstate moves. No matter if it is a moving company or a broker, they should have a valid DOT number. You can look up a mover here.

Agency: United States Department of Transportation
Address: 1200 New Jersey Ave, SE, Washington DC 20590
Phone: (855) 368-4200
Website: www.fmcsa.dot.gov

To see if a specific movers complies with regulations, simply select a company from the list.

Moving within vs moving out of Washington

Let's see how many people move within Washington versus those who moved from Evergreen State to another state.

Who regulates Washington local movers

The Utilities and Transportation Commission regulates residential moving companies that conduct moves within the state of Washington. If you are looking to hire a mover, make sure they are on the list of licensed moving companies – here is a list of authorized household goods carriers.

Agency: Utilities and Transportation Commission
Address: 1300 S. Evergreen Park Dr. SW, Olympia, WA 98504
Phone: (360) 664-1160
Website: http://www.utc.wa.gov

What do people move within Washington?

Ever wondered which are the most popular move sizes when people move locally in WA?

Studio (8%)
1 Bedroom (25%)
2 Bedroom (21%)
3 Bedroom (22%)
4 Bedroom (9%)

Get a Precise Moving Quote

Check out our detailed moving guides:

Moving to Seattle Guide

People say it rains sometimes every day and it stops sometimes. Seattle is one of the few states that don’t impose a state income tax. More than 50% of the population holds higher education degree.

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