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€ 1279
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Karlheinz Fischer

This review is auto translated from German. See original


We were more than happy with our move with Eni. Everything went perfectly and the staff were all very nice and had everything under control.
This company made everything very relaxed and we had imagined a lot more stress beforehand.
We can really recommend the company.

Service cost: €1120


This review is auto translated from German. See original

Very satisfied with Eni Umzüge Stuttgart.

We are very satisfied with the move by Eni Umzüge.
Agreed appointments for viewing, setting up the signs, loading and unloading were met very punctually. Everything was done very quickly. The furniture was carried very gently and carefully through the stairwells and loaded into the transporter so that no damage occurred.
The staff was very friendly and cooperative.
We are happy to make the next move with Eni Umzüge and Mr. Ramani's team.

Service cost: €1600


This review is auto translated from German. See original

Unorganisiert, not woeder.

A fixed price was agreed! The staff came 20 minutes late and complained why I hadn't locked anything. I said that was the company's job! I called the boss 2 times to see the starting place - no time was said. Boxes should also be brought to me in advance, as a single parent with a toddler but after the Furma had the office's ok to assume the costs, it was now also here - no time / the employees help to give it away. Now I know why! All my coats, jackets and business jackets have disappeared from leather with fur to designer coats! Incredible and no response when asked! I'm going to reach out to the media because that just can't be true! Then they still demand food and drink, even though I am holding a 21 month old child. Outrageous!!

Service cost: €1500

This review is auto translated from German. See original

Relocation on 9.6.2016.

The employees at Eni-Umzüge were competent and friendly. The boss also lent a hand and responded to special requests. Loading and unloading went quickly but thoroughly, i.e. without damage. The disposal of all kinds of belongings that I didn't want to take with me was also possible for an additional charge. The move was not cheap (compared to my previous 17 years ago), but the price was absolutely within the framework of what reputable companies are asking today. So all in all a clear recommendation.

Service cost: €1450


This review is auto translated from German. See original


As a professional, Mr. Ramani provides first-class and honest advice! He and his boys are super nice and tackle everything with great enthusiasm! Nothing was damaged for me and the move itself was quick - and all at a great price! Even the wardrobe was better dismantled and reassembled than the furniture store! I'll be back next time! Thank you.

Service cost: €800

Holger Berg

This review is auto translated from German. See original

Everything great.

At the end of March, I made two moves in one day with Eni-Umzüge - with clearing out. Everything worked perfectly: Very nice boss, friendly employees, absolutely punctual and smoothly implemented. At 5 p.m. in the afternoon both apartments were empty and the furniture was in the new apartment. It couldn't be better! You can also rent incredibly sturdy moving boxes for little money and you can also get everything else you need (air foil, tissue paper, protective covers, etc.) directly from Eni-Umzüge. In addition, I also let Ein-Umzüge paint an apartment. Everything was wonderful here too. I would do my next move with Eni-Umzüge again at any time and I can really only recommend the company. The price-performance ratio is great!

Service cost: €950

Zehra Z.

This review is auto translated from German. See original

Everything went great !!

I was very pleased that it was possible to get an appointment at very short notice for my move. Even the moving boxes were delivered to me on a Sunday .. !!
Which is not necessarily a matter of course. The move itself went very quickly with furniture dismantling and setting up in the new apartment. The boss and the employees were very organized and experienced. And the entire move was completed within a very short time. With the next move gladly again.

Service cost: €1035


This review is auto translated from German. See original

Not a 2nd time!

We are frustrated with the process of moving in August 2018.

Arrival in the morning everything was OK, several employees were busy with inviting. Before that we had received enough boxes free of charge.

But: a carpenter was expressly requested and agreed to dismantle the high-quality furniture and reassemble it. The helper present has probably already done a lot, but never trained as a carpenter. When dismantling and especially when assembling our own initiative was required, because the "carpenter" was totally overwhelmed. There was still a lot of hallway damage from the "carpenter" in the form of deep scratches in the sideboard, wrong holes in the wall, an incorrectly constructed wall unit with screeching, stiff windows and a round table that couldn't be pulled out!

Thanks to the help of our son some things could be fixed. The second helper was a young man who was still studying in Slovenia - neither an experienced move maker nor a carpenter helper.
It was agreed that ENI would pack expensive glass items for the insurance company. My wife then packed 50% herself because the young man was working at a pace that would have extended the move to 2 days!

At 4 p.m. Mr. Ramani wanted the agreed money in cash! received when the items were in the new house but nothing was unpacked or set up! Only one person (the "carpenter") should stay there for this!
For 5 m wall unit around a corner, sideboard, wall cupboard, round bench, round table .. and wrapped glass!
After my refusal, 2 people stayed there ("carpenter" and student), I transferred 3/4 of the bill online and Mr. Ramani drove to the next move with another helper.

My son dismantled the round table again and then put it together properly. Can now be taken off again. The wall unit was set up without wheel chocks and a spirit level. You can see that ;-(
Fixing the damage to the corridor took a long time. First an acquaintance of Mr. Ramani was supposed to repair it, but he could only make the windows work again. The wood damage could only be repaired by a carpenter. This dragged on for various reasons, but has now been fixed. Mr. Ramani reported the damage to his insurance company, but they want to deduct his own share (700, -) and I should then get it from him! For this reason I have not yet made the final payment.
Now I get a payment request from a debt collection agency because of the final payment and probably a SCHUFA entry. Shit happens!
Hence my frustration with ENI and Mr. Ramani!

Service cost: €2100

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Company Info

Stuttgart,Baden-Wuerttemberg Region Map
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Eni-Umzüge has not registered their account and is not actively maintaining their profile.

Their address is Schubartstraße 16/1, Stuttgart, 70190, but removals usually cover a much larger area.

Is Eni-Umzüge a registered company?

Companies that operate in Germany like Eni-Umzüge have to be registered with the German Tax Office (Finanzamt). We have the following information for Eni-Umzüge based in Baden-Wuerttemberg Region:

Handelsregisternummer: not provided

Umsatzsteuer-IdNr (VAT number): not provided

Steuernummer (Tax number): not provided

Please note that this information may not be accurate or updated. Usually tax information should be listed in a special page called "impressum" on the company's website. Go to Eni-Umzüge profile here.

What is Eni-Umzüge cost for local moves?

We have calculated an approximate local moving market average price from 33 reviews of people moving within Baden-Wuerttemberg Region to be €2076.

From 7 local reviews for Eni-Umzüge, we have calculated an average moving cost of €1279 for local moves.

This could mean that Eni-Umzüge is cheaper with about 38% from the market average.

Take note that these local moving prices may vary from the prices you will get if you contact the company, since these costs are based on reviews data and not the movers themselves. Move prices can vary greatly as factors like home size and time spent moving as well as supplemental services like packing and assembly could influence your individual price.

To receive a more accurate moving quote from multiple local movers and compare the best pricing, we recommend you get an estimate from our cost estimator here.

Average service costs information

We generate average normalized moving cost based on information submitted by people who have reviewed Eni-Umzüge. Take note that these prices may vary from the prices you will get if you contact the company, since these costs are based on reviews data and not the removals themselves. Please note that move prices can vary greatly based on factors like home size and distance between locations as well as supplemental services like packing and assembly.

The market averages are generated from reviews on our review sites from the last 3 years. To get more precise moving quotes, please consider using our moving estimator.

Community testimonials, ratings and consumer reports on Eni-Umzüge - a professional company located in Schubartstraße 16/1, Stuttgart, 70190. Discover Stuttgart, Baden-Wuerttemberg Region moving companies.

*RemovalReviews may not be affiliated with Eni-Umzüge and the estimates may be provided from other professional movers in our network.

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