249 removals in Carrollton

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Movers near Carrollton by city

Sometimes movers in nearby cities can also handle your move. Here is a list of cities closest to Carrollton, TX sorted by distance.

What to know when moving to Carrollton, TX

Considering a move within or to Carrollton, TX? This vibrant city boasts a family-friendly environment, seamless access to Dallas via the DART Green Line, and an array of parks like the sprawling Oak Creek Park. Carrollton's weather features hot summers and mild winters, allowing for year-round outdoor activities. Learn more about the community's strong employment opportunities and its uniquely diverse culinary scene, from authentic Korean BBQ to Tex-Mex. With a calendar full of local events, Carrollton captures the essence of a connected and spirited community.

Who regulates Carrollton interstate movers?

Carrollton moving companies are required to be registered with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) if they perform interstate moves. No matter if it is a moving company or a broker, they should have a valid DOT number. You can look up a mover here.

Agency: United States Department of Transportation
Address: 1200 New Jersey Ave, SE, Washington DC 20590
Phone: (855) 368-4200
Website: www.fmcsa.dot.gov

To see if a specific movers complies with regulations, simply select a company from the list.

Moving within vs moving out of Texas

Let's see how many people move within Texas versus those who moved from Lone Star State to another state.

Who regulates Texas local movers

By law, Texas moving companies must be licensed with the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and must have acquired TxDMV Number (10 digits) to operate as a legitimate mover within the state. If you are looking for local Texas movers, check the Texas moving company regulations and make sure you work with registered ones.

Agency: Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
Address: 4000 Jackson Ave., Austin, TX 78731
Phone: (888) 368-4689
Website: http://www.txdmv.gov

What do people move within Texas?

Ever wondered which are the most popular move sizes when people move locally in TX?

Studio (5%)
1 Bedroom (25%)
2 Bedroom (22%)
3 Bedroom (19%)
4 Bedroom (10%)

Get a Precise Moving Quote

Check out our detailed moving guides:

Moving to Dallas Guide

Moving to where the real patriots live means moving to the South. This city is the ninth largest in the country as the metro area has over six million people. Dallas and Forth Worth metro area are together known as The Metroplex.

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