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Thomas Kailer

This review is auto translated from German. See original

Perfect move with real professionals!

Birkert was recommended to us by our landlord. From the very first visit, you could tell that the employee had a clue (decades of experience). Had an answer to every question and also tips, tricks and tips. No fuss! Everything he told us later on when we moved was 100% correct! The offer came quickly. The move was well organized. There is a carpenter on the team who dismantles and reassembles the furniture. Everything was packed very carefully! The "troupe" was very nice and really banged on. We had also accepted the service, promptly, of having all lamps, shelves and picture frames installed or hung by the company, which also worked great. An absolutely stress-free move! I can recommend Birkert 100%. Should we move again, then again with the Birkert company!

Move size: 4 Bedroom Home Service cost: €2400


This review is auto translated from German. See original

Already moved 5 times with Birkert - gladly again and again!

We have already moved with Birkert Umzüge from Heilbronn five (!) Times since 2005. During this time there was hardly any change in staff, the foreman was always the same, the same carpenter was there three times - we think that this also speaks for a good working atmosphere.
The moving helpers (4 to 5 men in total) were all in a good mood, on time, friendly, and carried out the move quickly and cleanly. There was always enough packaging material (cardboard boxes, bubble wrap, protective fleece) with us, even for unforeseen items. The carpenter dismantled and reassembled large, bulky furniture.
Since Birkert bills by the hour, this company was not the cheapest when it came to the bid, but after billing it was because Birkert was usually finished faster than calculated, the other bidders had mostly offered a flat rate.
During a move with Birkert, a pane of glass broke, we were told openly and honestly by the foreman before we even noticed it, handling the damage was uncomplicated, the pane of glass was paid for directly when we submitted the invoice.

Conclusion: always gladly again! Friends have already moved with the same good experiences with Birkert!

Service cost: €2500

Ines Und Frank Wohlbach

This review is auto translated from German. See original

Perfect move.

We contacted the company by e-mail and discussed everything over the phone, received a price and then placed the order, although we did not know the company. We already had a bit of "stomach ache", but this was totally unfounded.

On the day of the move, the employees were on site punctually and installed everything properly, cleanly and professionally again without any ifs or buts. Even additional special requests were handled as quickly as possible.

We couldn't get any better than that.

The staff were friendly and did their job to our complete satisfaction.

We remember the address for event. further moves and we will recommend them at any time.

Service cost: €800

Thomas Grandkowski

This review is auto translated from German. See original

Complete satisfaction- Very good moving team.

The Birkert company handled the move of our entire household from Klingenberg to Heilbronn Ost very well. Good preliminary discussion, clear cost calculation in advance, committed and punctual. Everything was well packaged, carried and transported carefully and professionally. The team was also very nice and personable and very hard-working. Not a bargain rip-off company. However, we had already received recommendations from work colleagues. Since then we have also recommended Birkert to friends and they have also been very satisfied. Price-performance ratio is really right. The price was for a complete house plus stage, basement and garage. Tom G. and Ingrid. from Heilbronn.

Service cost: €1750

Dieter Oechsle

This review is auto translated from German. See original

Best company performance ever.

We contacted Birkert because of the good reviews. Mr. Birkert came personally to the preliminary meeting. The impression was highly professional from the start.
The move itself was then handled by six moving professionals. There is always a carpenter there who professionally dismantles all the furniture, four movers carried it, one carefully stowed the furniture on the truck. Even the mattresses were individually wrapped in foil. It couldn't be better! In 40 years I have not seen a more professional company in the trade and I can only recommend Birkert unreservedly. In the end, the invoice amount was still well below the cost estimate .. incredibly fair and honest! Any time..

Service cost: €1700

Schneider Und Zajontz

This review is auto translated from German. See original

Office relocation.

Second office move with Birkert and once again great!
Fair prices, great organization, first-class team that worked from seven in the morning until late in the evening and still didn't lose its vigor and friendliness.
Again at any time - also privately.

Service cost: €100

Martin Westermann

This review is auto translated from German. See original

I was given very good advice right from the start

The move went exactly as previously discussed. Reliably, punctually and quickly. All details of the move as well as the costs have been clarified. The move went very smoothly. The employees were very hardworking, worked cleanly and handled the items carefully. Perfect. I can recommend Birkert 100%.

Move size: 1 Bedroom Flat Service cost: €1200

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Last updated on 2023-02-01.

These reviews are the subjective opinions of RemovalReviews members and not of RemovalReviews itself.

Company Info

Heilbronn,Baden-Wuerttemberg Region Map
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Birkert Umzüge has not registered their account and is not actively maintaining their profile.

Their address is Köhlstrasse 45, Heilbronn, 74074, but removals usually cover a much larger area.

Is Birkert Umzüge a registered company?

Companies that operate in Germany like Birkert Umzüge have to be registered with the German Tax Office (Finanzamt). We have the following information for Birkert Umzüge based in Baden-Wuerttemberg Region:

Handelsregisternummer: not provided

Umsatzsteuer-IdNr (VAT number): not provided

Steuernummer (Tax number): not provided

Please note that this information may not be accurate or updated. Usually tax information should be listed in a special page called "impressum" on the company's website. Go to Birkert Umzüge profile here.

What is Birkert Umzüge cost for local moves?

We have calculated an approximate local moving market average price from 33 reviews of people moving within Baden-Wuerttemberg Region to be €2076.

From 7 local reviews for Birkert Umzüge, we have calculated an average moving cost of €1493 for local moves.

This could mean that Birkert Umzüge is cheaper with about 28% from the market average.

Take note that these local moving prices may vary from the prices you will get if you contact the company, since these costs are based on reviews data and not the movers themselves. Move prices can vary greatly as factors like home size and time spent moving as well as supplemental services like packing and assembly could influence your individual price.

To receive a more accurate moving quote from multiple local movers and compare the best pricing, we recommend you get an estimate from our cost estimator here.

Average service costs information

We generate average normalized moving cost based on information submitted by people who have reviewed Birkert Umzüge. Take note that these prices may vary from the prices you will get if you contact the company, since these costs are based on reviews data and not the removals themselves. Please note that move prices can vary greatly based on factors like home size and distance between locations as well as supplemental services like packing and assembly.

The market averages are generated from reviews on our review sites from the last 3 years. To get more precise moving quotes, please consider using our moving estimator.

Community testimonials, ratings and consumer reports on Birkert Umzüge - a professional company located in Köhlstrasse 45, Heilbronn, 74074. Discover Heilbronn, Baden-Wuerttemberg Region moving companies.

*RemovalReviews may not be affiliated with Birkert Umzüge and the estimates may be provided from other professional movers in our network.

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*At RemovalReviews we will connect you with a professional moving company. Please note that we may not be affiliated with Birkert Umzüge and you may be speaking with another licensed provider.

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