What is the average move cost for Barrett Moving?

We estimate that for Barrett Moving the average move costs is around $11575, based on 4 moving reviews.

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Ted Hammack
Jul 15, 2013
Long-distance move from Minnesota to Oregon

Jumbled Cross Country Move.

After several cross country moves that went with only a few issues, our move from MN to OR was a mess.
The initial quote, packing, loading were prompt, although we discovered that the packing was haphazard.  (We eventually found some of the kitchen items mixed with my ties from the master bedroom.  Six months later many individual items have not been located because we have not opened all the boxes.  Labeling on the boxes is often not legible, or misleading.)
Due to the size of the move, two trucks were involved, and supposedly for weight reasons, the first truck was partially off-loaded at a warehouse into the second truck.  Thus the loads were mixed after the inventory sheets were finished.  As a result we could not use the sheets to verify 10 to 20% of the boxes.  The deliveries were on two different days, by two different crews.  The first truck arrived on schedule, but Barrett couldn't confirm a schedule for the second truck for several days.  (Later, Barrett had the same problem confirming delivery of two cars they shipped.) 
Several items were crated by Barrett's contractors in MN, but Barrett didn't schedule the uncrating and assembly in OR.  Contractors were arranged on the last minute.  The final insult is that Barrett has billed us for the OR work separate from the original contract, which called for contractors on both ends of the move. 
In fairness the original truck driver did an “OK” job.  Barrett gets an “F” for employing a packing crew that obviously could not care less.  Further, once Barrett got the move on the trucks it appeared that no one was paying attention.  Vague answers and “I sorry about that” were the communication style.
Never again. 

Service cost: $40000

Nov 08, 2011
Local move within Minnesota

Impeccable Service & Attention to Detail.

My company hired Barrett Moving & Storage to move some office furniture and store some equipment we were not using.

Here's my story. We had a public storage unit that had gotten out of hand and we wanted to get it organized. We were also doing some redecorating in our office so we wanted to get rid of some furniture.

Barrett Moving & Storage arrived on time and take great care in packing our furniture and equipment. The inventory list is so organized! Now we know what we have.

Their movers also accompanied us to our disorganized storage unit and helped us get it organized.

Both moves went so smooth! I would definitely recommend Barrett Moving & Storage. They are courteous, professional, organized, competitively priced and nice too!

Service cost: $600

Stephen M
Aug 24, 2012
Long-distance move from Minnesota to Arizona

Barrett Moving and Storage.

Wonderful company.  On 7/30/12 I moved my 94 year old mother from her 1 BR apt in Wayzata to Scottsdale, AZ.  Barrett's [United Van Lines] $4000 estimate was $1000 less than Beltman [North American].  That included full replacement insurance. They did ALL the packing.  They were on time on both ends and very professional.  Two items were broken and they are taking care of them promptly.  And get this:  I just received an email notifying me that they are refunding $311 as the final charge was less than the estimate.

Service cost: $4000

Mar 08, 2011
Long-distance move from Minnesota to Michigan

Poor moving experience with Barrett Moving.

I will explain the complete experience in details. Due to change in location of my job, I had to initiate the movement. As I had very less time (just 7 days) to wrap up tons on things (also the on-going project work) hence I did not have much time to really read reviews of every moving company and then select. I searched for 1 such company in MN and got the name of Barrett Moving. Called them up and booked a visit of my house by one of the sales representative.

First day when I the sales person (Mike) came to my place and provided me the estimates I had very good impression. I enquired to him regarding the hanlding of goods. He showed me lots of photos of their storage area explaining me how process-oriented they are. Also he claimed that their marking & tracking system is so robust that every item is tracked from the moment they pick till they deliver. As things looked okay to me, I went ahead and signed the contract (as I was in hurry too).

On the very next day I get a call from their office saying the time fixed for pick-up is not working out and asked me to give some other time. As I had to complete tons of works hence 1 small change in plan meant to me a huge change. Anyways, finally I gave alternative time.

On the pick up day people who came to pick up the goods were pretty good and completed their job on time.

Now comes the terrible part. As my destination address was not know at the time of loading, hence I told them that as soon as I reach my destination I will inform them regarding the same. In next 4 days I inform them about the final destination address. First one lady says that she will arrange. But next day she leaves the company and someone else takes up the position. But now this new person says that they cannot deliver the good for another 10 days as there is no other delivery truck going towards that. In-spite of me requesting he stuck to his point.

Here is the last bit. Finally after 10 days I got my goods delivered. While delivery I found that one of the items is missing. I asked the driver regarding the same. But he could not say anything other that "I could not find it in the storage". When I called up the office to check, they were pretty indifferent regarding the loss and just said somehow it is lost and if I wish I can log claim. Luckily it was not expensive or critical item. Hence, I did not incurr that kind of loss.

LESSONS LEARNT - Hence, the lesson learnt is that I should not be using or recommend anyone to use this moving company in future. Because I am scared that if any of my other expensive items would have lost or damaged then also these people would have been this indifferent. This clearly shows the kind of major process FAILURE they have internally and the kind of FAKE PROMISES made by the sales folks.

Service cost: $1700

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Company Info

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Barrett Moving has registered their account, so they will be able to see and respond to your reviews publicly.

Their address is 7100 Washington Ave. So., Eden Prairie, MN, 55344, but removals usually cover a much larger area.

About the Business

Barrett Moving reviews and consumer reports online. Read real customers testimonials and complaints on Barrett Moving company. Barrett Moving ratings online.

Licenses & Certificates for Barrett Moving

To legitimately perform interstate moves, moving companies must be registered with the FMSCA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration). Click on the Barrett Moving license numbers for the government record information:

ICC MC number: 67234
(Interstate Commerce Commission Motor Carrier number)

US D.O.T.: 77949
(US Department of Transportation number)

Local State License: 50328

Want more detailed information on licenses? See our detailed guide on moving company regulations here.

Average service costs information

We generate average normalized moving cost based on information submitted by people who have reviewed Barrett Moving. Take note that these prices may vary from the prices you will get if you contact the company, since these costs are based on reviews data and not the removals themselves. Please note that move prices can vary greatly based on factors like home size and distance between locations as well as supplemental services like packing and assembly.

Average price per move for Barrett Moving is between 9260 and 14469 USD based on 4 reviews only.

Community testimonials, ratings and consumer reports on Barrett Moving - a professional company located in 7100 Washington Ave. So., Eden Prairie, MN, 55344. Discover Eden Prairie, Minnesota moving companies.

*RemovalReviews may not be affiliated with Barrett Moving and the estimates may be provided from other professional movers in our network.

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