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€ 2251
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Daniel Scheck

This review is auto translated from German. See original

Company relocation within Stuttgart

The relocation of our administration with approx. 15 offices was carefully planned and the fixed price of the offer was reasonable and was adhered to. Despite the adversities, the execution was super fast and safe to carry out. I can recommend the company A&E Logistik 100%.

Move size: Commercial Move Service cost: €6800

Bettina Schramm

This review is auto translated from German. See original

I've found my favorite moving company!

For my move from a single-family house to a large 6-room apartment (180 moving boxes, 1 day packing service, 2 days moving), I looked at several moving companies in advance. A&E Logistik was always very professional, friendly and customer-oriented from the first phone call to the on-site inspection, preparation of the offer and ultimately implementation of the move. And THAT at the best price-performance ratio among all providers I asked for! Of course there were dubious providers who sent me an offer without even carrying out an on-site inspection, but I sorted them out straight away. Compared to the other reputable moving companies, A&E was up to 30% below the offer price of the others.

The two employees from the packing service were very careful with my things and labeled each box in detail so that I could find everything quickly after the move and put it in my new home. Due to her care, extremely little was broken: only a wobbly floor lamp and a table clock made of glass. Both items were refunded quickly and without any problems.

Due to the physical conditions on site with the parking spaces and the non-delivery of the ordered external elevator, there were a few unexpected challenges, but these were mastered professionally and without loss of time. The removal workers did not let themselves be stopped by the missing elevator and simply carried all boxes and pieces of furniture up the two floors in the summer heat of over 30 degrees.

For some changes and detailed questions before and after the move, my personal advisor was always available by mobile phone, as was the staff in the office. And during the holiday season, even the managing director, Mr Pietrass, answered the phone personally and reliably supported me with my concerns. The customer service at A&E is absolutely exemplary! I also liked the fact that all 7 relocation workers - including the master carpenter (who was also assigned as foreman) and the electrician - were permanent employees at A&E (no temporary workers). Dealing with each other and with me was always very respectful and friendly. It was a tough move because of the size, but it was really fun with this team and they never looked like they were exhausted (in midsummer!). Very impressive.

I will prefer A&E for every future move and will recommend this highly professional service provider to my circle of friends as often as possible.

Service cost: €5090

Second thumbnail photo by Bettina Schramm of A&E Logistik

This review is auto translated from German. See original

Fast, but damage

Moving 250km away from an 80m2 apartment. First impression was very professional, the move would be done in one day, as requested. That's what the three stars are for. We were shown some damage, which we grudgingly accepted, but it is a bit interesting that an old piece of quality furniture has to be told that Ikea would survive removals much better. When unpacking it turned out that the promised professional transport of large plants ends with them falling out of the bucket because they were not properly stabilized, including broken pieces. We can also confirm pictures with holes. And we also found bent furniture knobs (on Ikea furniture, by the way?). And all for almost 4000 €. We have to move again next year, but we won't be asking for an offer here.

Move size: 2 Bedroom Home Service cost: €3800

Jutta Kühn

This review is auto translated from German. See original

Super fast service.

I wanted another forwarding company to move my house on a Saturday. This lost the appointment. A call from me at A&E Logistik and they made the move spontaneously one day later on Sunday. Actual final price (fixed price) would have been € 1,600.00 at 40 cbm. I paid 30% more because of the Sunday surcharge. But it was OK :-) I got moving boxes myself. The clothes that hang in the closet were put into a clothes container by A&E Logistik. The price included the dismantling of lamps and curtain rods and the dismantling and assembly of my furniture. As well as installing the lamps and curtain rods in the new apartment and connecting and disconnecting the washing machine. There were 7 employees, all of them were very friendly and worked quickly and, above all, very well. The German understanding was mostly only possible with one employee. But it still worked very well :-)
The furniture was well wrapped in foil e.g. Part of it was still covered with a blanket and arrived at the new apartment without any problems. They started at 8:30 in my old apartment and finished everything in my new apartment by around 3:00 p.m. But had to drive about 40 minutes to the new apartment. Based on my experience, I can highly recommend A&E Logistik.

Service cost: €2088

Apr 18, 2017

This review is auto translated from German. See original

Clear recommendation!

Private 4 person household! The guys were awesome! Reliable, on time! We had agreed on 4 people with one truck, you came with two trucks and seven people, for the same price! Mega! Zack Zack, one box at a time, quickly. Everything was packed very carefully, attention was also paid to the walls and floors! During the whole move, not a single scratch anywhere! Very friendly men who can lend a hand! Also very friendly staff in advance! Price-performance ratio definitely fits here! Clear recommendation.

Service cost: €1800

Oct 19, 2017

This review is auto translated from German. See original

Super friendly and perfectly organized!

Many thanks to the great team at A&E Logistik in Munich! The first contact made a very good impression. Since I have some voluminous parts, but the stairwell in the old apartment was very narrow, someone should take a closer look. 2 very friendly employees then visited me at home to discuss everything. The outside elevator couldn't be used, the house was somehow unsuitable for that. But I was assured that the furniture could be dismantled and that it would survive the move (well, I was curious ..). I also received a written offer. All the services I wanted were listed there. Since I don't plan to move again anytime soon, I rented the boxes through A&E. It is very good that this solution is offered. Otherwise I'll have the basement full of cardboard boxes that nobody needs.

The team was on time on the day of the move. I was amazed at how quickly the whole move went! Everything was done to my satisfaction. My new apartment is on the 4th floor, there is no elevator. But the employees persevered without losing their good mood. ;-) And my furniture is back and in the best possible condition. Somehow they have a cabinet maker who takes care of that.

So I have absolutely nothing to complain about. The move went wonderfully and the contact was very polite and friendly. All services were implemented as ordered. Everything was also right on the bill. My boyfriend will move in with me soon and I recommended that he go to A&E too.

Service cost: €1600

Michael Maier

This review is auto translated from German. See original

Moved carefully ;-).

This is the second time we have moved with A&E and everything went carefully and conscientiously. The USM Haller assemblies and the kitchen dismantling and assembly were also professionally implemented.
We will recommend you.

Thank you,


Service cost: €2980


This review is auto translated from German. See original

First class moving company.

We moved from Karlsruhe to Göppingen. Both the advice and the move everything went smoothly. It was all very professional. The staff were super friendly and very dedicated. Whenever we move again, we'd be happy to do it with A&E Logistik.

Service cost: €2500

Nick Pasch
Aug 27, 2018

This review is auto translated from German. See original


The company implemented everything as requested. The staff gave me the right and kind advice. I had many valuable, fragile parts, I packed them up very well, everything arrived safely. The move was also quick. From that I can only say. Thank you, gladly again!

Service cost: €1200

Marlene Und Joerg
Sep 01, 2020

This review is auto translated from German. See original

Marlene & Jörg.

Relocation to Fürstenfeldbruck. Very friendly staff when moving themselves. Fast, neat and professional. The previous consultation left no questions unanswered.
We can only recommend it in all respects and would move again with A&E.

Service cost: €1300

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Company Info

Mnchen,Free State of Bavaria Map
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A&E Logistik has registered their account, so they will be able to see and respond to your reviews publicly.

Their address is Rupert-Mayer-Straße 44, Mnchen, 81379, but removals usually cover a much larger area.

About the Business


Is A&E Logistik a registered company?

Companies that operate in Germany like A&E Logistik have to be registered with the German Tax Office (Finanzamt). We have the following information for A&E Logistik based in Free State of Bavaria:

Handelsregisternummer: HRA730237 AG Stuttgart

Umsatzsteuer-IdNr (VAT number): not provided

Steuernummer (Tax number): not provided

Please note that this information may not be accurate or updated. Usually tax information should be listed in a special page called "impressum" on the company's website. Go to A&E Logistik profile here.

What is A&E Logistik cost for local moves?

We have calculated an approximate local moving market average price from 31 reviews of people moving within Free State of Bavaria to be €1399.

From 9 local reviews for A&E Logistik, we have calculated an average moving cost of €2251 for local moves.

This could mean that A&E Logistik is more expensive with about 61% from the market average.

Take note that these local moving prices may vary from the prices you will get if you contact the company, since these costs are based on reviews data and not the movers themselves. Move prices can vary greatly as factors like home size and time spent moving as well as supplemental services like packing and assembly could influence your individual price.

To receive a more accurate moving quote from multiple local movers and compare the best pricing, we recommend you get an estimate from our cost estimator here.

Average service costs information

We generate average normalized moving cost based on information submitted by people who have reviewed A&E Logistik. Take note that these prices may vary from the prices you will get if you contact the company, since these costs are based on reviews data and not the removals themselves. Please note that move prices can vary greatly based on factors like home size and distance between locations as well as supplemental services like packing and assembly.

The market averages are generated from reviews on our review sites from the last 3 years. To get more precise moving quotes, please consider using our moving estimator.

Community testimonials, ratings and consumer reports on A&E Logistik - a professional company located in Rupert-Mayer-Straße 44, Mnchen, 81379. Discover Mnchen, Free State of Bavaria moving companies.

*RemovalReviews may not be affiliated with A&E Logistik and the estimates may be provided from other professional movers in our network.

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